![]() |
Message#1 ![]() ![]() | |
^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Topics Curator Group: Moderators Messages 5632 Check in: 20.10.09 Apple iPhone 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Rollback with futurerestore (prometheus) \ jailbreak method / IOS firmware | [FAQ] The relevance of the firmware | Apple Device Model IDs | Modem Versions | futurerestore | Python 3 Mac OS X | iPhoneSSH | Reiboot | SEP What is a rollback (downgrade)?
Create a folder on your desktop ->Downgrade From the archive ->futurerestoreportable ->futurerestore_macosin the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade SHSH ->******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 copy to the folder on your desktop -> Downgrade From the archive ->iPhoneSSHportable ->,, usbmux.pycin the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade Firmware (iOS 10.2, which we roll back) ->iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipswcopy to the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade Firmware (iOS 10.2.1, current, signed by Apple) ->iPad_64bit_10.2.1_14D27_Restore.ipsw change the extension -> Double click -> The archive will be unzipped. Open the folder ->iPad_64bit_10.2.1_14D27_Restore ->BuildManifest.plist copy to the folder on your desktop -> Downgrade Open the folder ->iPad_64bit_10.2.1_14D27_Restore \ Firmware ->Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw copy to the folder on your desktop -> Downgrade For devices without a SIM - this is not relevant, for them there is no* .bbfw , skip this step. In folder ->\ Firmware multiple versions* .bbfw Apple releases firmware that is suitable for multiple devices, device models. For example, you have an iPhone 6. iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore is suitable for 2x devices ->iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S, in firmware ->iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore \ Firmware will be the 2nd version of the firmware for the modem (Mav10-5.32.00.Release.bbfw (iPhone 6) and Mav13-2.41.00.Release. bbfw (iPhone 6S)). What is your version of the modem, you can find out ->Modem Versions Be careful, carefully check all the data. ![]() In folder ->\ Firmware \ all_flash multiple versionsall_flash. *****. production Apple releases firmware that is suitable for multiple devices, device models. For example, you have an iPhone 6. iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore is suitable for 2x devices ->iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S, in firmware ->iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore \ Firmware \ all_flash there will be 3 folders all_flash.n61ap .production \ sep-firmware. n61 .RELEASE. im4p (iPhone 6) all_flash.n71ap .production \ sep-firmware. n71 .RELEASE. im4p (iPhone 6S), all_flash.n71map .production \ sep-firmware. n71m .RELEASE. im4p (iPhone 6S)) iPhone 6S is available in 2 versions, they differ in different processors ->n71ap (Samsung A9 processor), n71map (TSMC A9 processor). What is the internal name of your device, you can find out ->Apple Device Model IDs In the case of iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE, immediately install on the device ->BmsmThe program will accurately determine the internal name of the device. Be careful, carefully check all the data. ![]() In folder ->Downgrade must be 9 files. For devices without a SIM will be8 files, * .bbfw for them is missing. ![]() ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 ->certificate from the firmware for which we roll back / restore (iOS 10.2). BuildManifest.plist ->file with information for iTunes, we take from the current firmware ->iOS 10.2.1. futurerestore_macos ->executable file futurerestore for macOS. iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw ->firmware for which we roll back / restore (iOS 10.2). Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw ->firmware for modem, we take from the current firmware ->iOS 10.2.1<- relevant for devices with SIM. sep-firmware.j72.RELEASE.im4p ->is used to download the software of the kernel system and data, we take from the current firmware ->iOS 10.2.1 ->file for iPhoneSSH ->file for iPhoneSSH usbmux.pyc ->file for iPhoneSSH Install ->Python 3 Mac OS Xon macOS. For normal operationfuturerestoreadditional packages are needed, we open the terminal and enter commands. ⬇⬇⬇ Open a terminal and enter commands one by one ![]()
After preparing the necessary files and system, go to the main, preparing the device for rollback / recovery. 1. Open the terminal. 2. We enter cd , press the spacebar and drag the folder to the terminal -> Downgrade ![]() ![]() 3. Hit Enter ![]() 4. To be sure that we are in the right folder, enter ls and hit enter ![]() ![]() 5. We enter ./ -t 22: 2222 , press Enter and minimize the window. ![]() ![]() 6. Open a new terminal window, enter ssh [email protected] -p 2222 ![]() 7. We press Enter, we specify the password alpine and hit enter ![]() ![]() 8. Open the ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 using TextEdit, scroll to the bottom, where we will see the following: ![]() generatoreach * .shsh2 is individual if you don’t have in * .shsh2generator, this certificate is not suitable for rollback. 9. We enter nvram =0xfeb5b165a4cc3774 and hit enter ![]() ![]() 10. We check if our parameters are applied, we enter nvram -p , press Enter and minimize the window. ![]() 11. Open a new terminal window, enter cd , press the spacebar and drag the folder to the terminal -> Downgrade ![]() ![]() 12. Hit Enter ![]() 13. To be sure that we are in the right folder, enter ls and hit enter ![]() ![]() 14. We enter chmod + x futurerestore_macos and hit enter ![]() ![]() The next step will be final, after which the rollback / restore will begin. The core team looks like this: ./futurerestore_macos -t **. shsh2 -b **. bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s **. im4p -m BuildManifest.plist **. ipsw Where**the names of the main files in the folder ->Downgrade My team, with my data looks like this: ./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -b Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.j72.RELEASE.im4p - m BuildManifest.plist iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw If your device is without a SIM, the command will be ./futurerestore_macos -t **. shsh2 -s **. im4p -m BuildManifest.plist **. ipsw --no-baseband Data example ./futurerestore_macos -t 7939302025234321_iPad5,1_j96ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -s sep-firmware.j96.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist iPad_64bit_TouchID_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw --no-baseband 15. We enter ./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -b Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.j72.RELEASE.im4p - m BuildManifest.plist iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw and hit enter Do not close the terminal window, do not disconnect the device from the Mac, check everything several times. If after entering the main command,futurerestoregave an error, useReiboot(or with the command ->./futurerestore_macos --exit-recovery) to take the device out of recovery mode and describe in detail the error received. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Done: restoring succeeded. Congratulations, after successful recovery, block iOS update ->How to disable automatic iOS update Different nuances when working with futurerestore (prometheus) Openssh | ios-kern-utils | PhoenixNonce (iOS 9.3.4-9.3.5) | v0rtexNonce (iOS 10.2.1-10.3.3) | NonceSet1112 (iOS 11.0-11.1.2) | noncereboot1131UI (iOS 11.0-11.3.1) | unc0ver (iOS 12.0-12.1.2) | A7 10.3.3 OTA Manifests | The basic instruction is written taking into account the jailbreak from Yalu, where it is integrated ->Dropbear ssh and patched nvram to install yourgeneratorwith * .shsh2. This means that in all other cases we need to installOpenssh and patch "Nvram" . Let's say we decided to roll back from iOS 9 to iOS 10, To patch"Nvram" you need to install -> ios-kern-utils (. * deb) -> How to install (. * Deb) read ->Installing * .deb and * .ipa (Post directorgeneral # 2890657) Openssh have established "Nvram" patched up. We do everything according to the basic instructions ->Rollback with futurerestore (prometheus)except for the following nuances.
For these devices, you can use SEP from iOS 10.3.3 if you need to roll back within iOS 8.x.x, 9.x.x-> 10.2 <-> 10.3.3, 11.1.2 -> 10.2 <-> 10.3.3 and special -> Buildmanifest . -> - means to any available iOS (from which there is. * shsh2) in this gap. <-> - means any version of iOS (from which there is. * shsh2) in this gap. Use (added support for iOS 12)futurerestorefroms0uthwest , supports ->Linux, macOS and Windows (Windows 7 is recommended). Primary authorfuturerestore ->@tihmstar, busy with other important things and is not planning any updates yet. Archive iOS 10.3 beta 1 ->iOS 10.2 (not relevant) Rollback with futurerestore (prometheus) \ jailbreak method / \ This method is relevant exclusively for iPhone 5S, iPad Air / \ This method does not guarantee 100% result / \ iOS 10.3 beta 1 must be installed on the device. IOS firmware | [FAQ] The relevance of the firmware | Apple Device Model IDs | Modem Versions | futurerestore | iOS 10.x.x - discussion | Reiboot You need to understand the following:
Create a folder on your desktop ->Downgrade From the archive ->futurerestoreportable ->futurerestore_macosin the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade SHSH ->******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh copy to the folder on your desktop -> Downgrade Firmware (iOS 10.2, which we roll back) ->iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipswcopy to the folder on your desktop ->Downgrade Firmware (iOS 10.2.1, current, signed by Apple) ->iPad_64bit_10.2.1_14D27_Restore.ipsw change the extension -> Double click -> The archive will be unzipped. Open the folder ->iPad_64bit_10.2.1_14D27_Restore ->BuildManifest.plist copy to the folder on your desktop -> Downgrade Open the folder ->iPad_64bit_10.2.1_14D27_Restore \ Firmware ->Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw copy to the folder on your desktop -> Downgrade For devices without a SIM - this is not relevant, for them there is no* .bbfw , skip this step. In folder ->\ Firmware multiple versions* .bbfw Apple releases firmware that is suitable for multiple devices, device models. For example, you have an iPhone 6. iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore is suitable for 2x devices ->iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S, in firmware ->iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore \ Firmware will be the 2nd version of the firmware for the modem (Mav10-5.32.00.Release.bbfw (iPhone 6) and Mav13-2.41.00.Release. bbfw (iPhone 6S)). What is your version of the modem, you can find out ->Modem Versions Be careful, carefully check all the data. ![]() In folder ->\ Firmware \ all_flash multiple versionsall_flash. *****. production Apple releases firmware that is suitable for multiple devices, device models. For example, you have an iPhone 6. iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore is suitable for 2x devices ->iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S, in firmware ->iPhone_4.7_10.2.1_14D27_Restore \ Firmware \ all_flash there will be 3 folders all_flash.n61ap .production \ sep-firmware. n61 .RELEASE. im4p (iPhone 6) all_flash.n71ap .production \ sep-firmware. n71 .RELEASE. im4p (iPhone 6S), all_flash.n71map .production \ sep-firmware. n71m .RELEASE. im4p (iPhone 6S)) iPhone 6S is available in 2 versions, they differ in different processors ->n71ap (Samsung A9 processor), n71map (TSMC A9 processor). What is the internal name of your device, you can find out ->Apple Device Model IDs In the case of iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE, immediately install on the device ->BmsmThe program will accurately determine the internal name of the device. Be careful, carefully check all the data. ![]() In folder ->Downgrade must be 6 files. (6 files including one (* .shsh ->apnonce), in this method (* .shsh ->apnonce) may be several. For devices without a SIM will be5 files, * .bbfw for them is missing. (5 files including one (* .shsh ->apnonce), in this method (* .shsh ->apnonce) may be several. ![]() ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh ->certificate from the firmware for which we roll back / restore (iOS 10.2), in this method (* .shsh ->apnonce) may be several. BuildManifest.plist ->file with information for iTunes, we take from the current firmware ->iOS 10.2.1. futurerestore_macos ->executable file futurerestore for macOS. iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw ->firmware for which we roll back / restore (iOS 10.2). Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw ->firmware for modem, we take from the current firmware ->iOS 10.2.1<- relevant for devices with SIM. sep-firmware.j72.RELEASE.im4p ->is used to download the software of the kernel system and data, we take from the current firmware ->iOS 10.2.1 For normal operationfuturerestoreadditional packages are needed, we open the terminal and enter commands. ⬇⬇⬇ Open a terminal and enter commands one by one ![]()
After preparing the necessary files and system, go to the main, preparing the device for rollback / recovery. 1. Open the terminal. 2. We enter cd , press the spacebar and drag the folder to the terminal -> Downgrade ![]() ![]() 3. Hit Enter ![]() 4. To be sure that we are in the right folder, enter ls and hit enter ![]() ![]() 5. We enter chmod + x futurerestore_macos and hit enter ![]() ![]() The next step will be final, after which the rollback / restore will begin. The core team looks like this: ./futurerestore_macos -t **. shsh2 -b **. bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s **. im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w **. ipsw Where**the names of the main files in the folder ->Downgrade My team, with my data looks like this: ./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh -b Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.j72.RELEASE.im4p - m BuildManifest.plist -w iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw You can use several certificates at once (* .shsh ->apnonce) -t **. shsh -t **. shsh -t **. shsh -t **. shsh -t **. shsh Data example ./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh -t ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92_1.shsh -t ******* * 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92_2.shsh -b Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.j72.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_r If your device is without a SIM, the command will be ./futurerestore_macos -t **. shsh2 -s **. im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w **. ipsw --no-baseband Data example ./futurerestore_macos -t 7939302025234321_iPad5,1_j96ap_10.2-14C92.shsh -s sep-firmware.j96.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w iPad_64bit_TouchID_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw --no-baseband 6. We enter ./futurerestore_macos -t ******** 09796_iPad4,2_j72ap_10.2-14C92.shsh -b Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.j72.RELEASE.im4p - m BuildManifest.plist -w iPad_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw and hit enter Do not close the terminal window, do not disconnect the device from the Mac, check everything several times. Picking apnonce can take quite a long time. There are no guarantees that a suitable apnonce will be found for iOS rollback / recovery. If after entering the main command,futurerestoregave an error, useReiboot(or with the command ->./futurerestore_macos --exit-recovery) to take the device out of recovery mode and describe in detail the error received. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Done: restoring succeeded. Congratulations, after successful recovery, block iOS update ->How to disable automatic iOS update Post has been editedT0ugh - 18.04.19, 01:20 Reason for editing: v.2.0b (full) |
Message#42 ![]() | |
a guest ![]() [offline] Group: Users Messages 3 Check in: 28.04.16 Apple iPhone 5s Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Hello! Now it is actual to roll back from 10.2 to 10.2-10.3.3 in the presence of SHSH2 (generator)? The second question: I need a current SEP and a modem with firmware which is currently relevant (iOS 11.2.1), can I use a modem and SEP with iOS 10.3.3. PS: Thanks for the Manifest A7 OTA, I hope it will come in handy. |
Message#43 ![]() | |
^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Topics Curator Group: Moderators Messages 5632 Check in: 20.10.09 Apple iPhone 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Now it is actual to roll back from 10.2 to 10.2-10.3.3 in the presence of SHSH2 (generator)? Only for A7, all other devices are only forward, for the reason described below. Apple signs iOS 10.3.3 (OTA) for A7 ->iPhone 5S (iPhone6.1, iPhone6.2), iPad Air (iPad4.1, iPad4.2, iPad4.3), iPad mini 2 (iPad4.4, iPad4.5, iPad4.6) - these devices came out from iOS 7.xx For these devices, you can use SEP from iOS 10.3.3, if you need a rollback within iOS 8.x.x, 9.x.x -> 10.2 <-> 10.3.3, 11.1.2 -> 10.2 <->10.3.3 and special BuildManifest. ->- means to any available iOS (from which there is. * shsh2) in this gap. <->- means any version of iOS (from which there is. * shsh2) in this gap. Surely, everything is written in the cap. Post has been editedT0ugh - 28.12.17, 20:58 -------------------- |
Message#44 ![]() | |
Experienced ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Messages 415 Check in: 08.08.07 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Taki happened with 9.3.3 to rise to 11.1 On the poppy from the first time without errors. On a virtualka did not work. -------------------- Soft must be free: blush: |
Message#45 ![]() | |
Local ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Messages 246 Check in: 07.09.12 Xiaomi Mi 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | |
Message#46 ![]() | |
^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Topics Curator Group: Moderators Messages 5632 Check in: 20.10.09 Apple iPhone 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | -------------------- |
Message#47 ![]() | |
a guest ![]() [offline] Group: Users Messages 9 Check in: 16.11.17 Apple iPhone 5s Reputation: ![]() ![]() | 5s, iOS 11.2 at the moment is, there is only ssh2 from 11.0.3, 11.1, 11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.2, 11.2.1 somehow you can generally skate to 7,8,9,10? I can not stand more than 11 axis I did not understand the nifiga about x64, there is no instruction, only some kind of manifesto and that's it do not judge strictly;) -------------------- yyy .. |
Message#48 ![]() | |
^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Topics Curator Group: Moderators Messages 5632 Check in: 20.10.09 Apple iPhone 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | ![]() You would first read the cap / topic, everything is painted. Rollback is possible if you have a jailbreak. On iOS 11.2 there is no jailbreak, no rollback. Post has been editedT0ugh - 02.01.18, 14:20 -------------------- |
Message#49 ![]() | |
a guest ![]() [offline] Group: Users Messages 9 Check in: 16.11.17 Apple iPhone 5s Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Well, for example, I only have shsh2 from ios 11, but in the future I can if the jail will roll back to 10.3.3 or 9,8,7? it interests -------------------- yyy .. |
Message#50 ![]() | |
User ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Messages 82 Check in: 07.12.09 Apple iPhone Xs Max for China Reputation: ![]() ![]() | |
Message#51 ![]() | |
Local ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Messages 379 Check in: 02.02.16 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | I have an iPhone 5s iOS 10.2, is SHSH2 from 10.2 to 11.2.1, can I roll back and upgrade to firmware from 10.2 to 10.3.3 and 11.1.2, back from 11.1.2 to 10.3.3 and 10.2? And there is no detailed instructions for rolling back and updating on Linux or windows 7-10? -------------------- Apple iPhone 6 Plus (Jailbreak IOS 12.1.1 b3) Lenovo Vibe B A2016 (root AOSP 6.0 (AOSP MM) |
Message#52 ![]() | |
^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Topics Curator Group: Moderators Messages 5632 Check in: 20.10.09 Apple iPhone 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | -------------------- |
Message#53 ![]() | |
Man from Cupertino ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Messages 2509 Check in: 31.07.12 Apple iPhone 5s Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Phoenixnonce is a utility that allows you to select nonce for downgrading on iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.2.1, 9.3, 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.3.3, 9.3.4, 9.3.5 . Valuable in that it works with iOS 9.3.4 / 9.3.5, on which there is no jailbreak and you can choose nonce. ![]() v0rtexnonce - nonceSetter, compiled and brought to mind, now supports all firmware starting from 10.0 and ending with 10.3.3. Finally, all the offsets have been added and the problem of the generator, which was not always chosen, has been solved. ![]() Post has been editedkup2012 - 08.01.18, 11:43 -------------------- In QMS I do not help, I do not advise! |
Message#54 ![]() | |
a guest ![]() [offline] Group: Users Messages 3 Check in: 04.09.13 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Hi, I read the topic, I did not understand anything: rolleyes: I have a question, there is an iPhone 6 ios8 with a jail, I want to put ios 10.3.1, I saved 2 for ios10.3.1. Is it possible to do this through the futurestore (according to the instructions in the header) or are some other programs needed? |
Message#55 ![]() | |
^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Topics Curator Group: Moderators Messages 5632 Check in: 20.10.09 Apple iPhone 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | -------------------- |
Message#56 ![]() | |
a guest ![]() [offline] Group: Users Messages 3 Check in: 04.09.13 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | It turns out, the only thing I can do is to upgrade to the latest OS? |
Message#57 ![]() | |
^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Topics Curator Group: Moderators Messages 5632 Check in: 20.10.09 Apple iPhone 5 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | |
Message#58 ![]() | |
Visitor ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Active users Messages 19 Check in: 21.03.09 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Good all the time of day. There are iPhone 5s, iOS 9.2.1 with a jail. There is shsh2 from 11.1.2. But the snag is that I can not make a patch nvram, writes that there is no tfp0 patch. Found this info: But I don’t know how to apply it. If anyone came across how to deal with it, help me pliz. |
Message#59 ![]() | |
Visitor ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Active users Messages 19 Check in: 09.06.14 Google pixel 2 Reputation: ![]() ![]() | Good day. I'm trying to roll back from iOS 11.1.2 to iOS 10.2 on iPhone 5s. When recovering at the very end, error 11 reloads In the recovery, when you try to boot into the system, an apple appears for 2-3 seconds and the screen goes blank. Trying to recover again - writes APTicker does not match. iOS 11.1.2 - the only one on which there is (coming soon) full jail and she does not subscribe. Help me please!! I enclose the full log. Last login: Sun Jan 7 23:54:16 on ttys001 Senliast-MacBook: ~ senliast $ cd / Users / senliast / Documents / downgrade Senliast-MacBook: downgrade senliast $ ./futurerestore -t 7.shsh2 -b Mav7Mav8-8.30.01.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n53.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist iPhone_4.0_64bit_10 .2_14C92_Restore.ipsw Version: a0113a4e46bfd00962cd25e3af548fc8b0bd21fd - 173 Odysseus Support: no ERROR: Device is in an invalid state [INFO] 32bit device detected [Error] can't init, no device found Failed with errorcode = -3 Senliast-MacBook: downgrade senliast $ ./futurerestore -t 7.shsh2 -b Mav7Mav8-8.30.01.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n53.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist iPhone_4.0_64bit_10 .2_14C92_Restore.ipsw Version: a0113a4e46bfd00962cd25e3af548fc8b0bd21fd - 173 Odysseus Support: no INFO: device serial number is DQGPL18WFRC4 [INFO] 64bit device detected futurerestore init done reading ticket 7.shsh2 done Found device iPhone6,2 n53ap [TSSC] opening BuildManifest.plist [TSSR] User defined baseband ticket. Request URL set to Sending TSS request attempt 1 ... response successfully received Did set sep + baseband path and firmware [WARNING] Failed to read BasebandGoldCertID from device! Is it already in recovery? [WARNING] Using tsschecker's fallback BasebandGoldCertID. This might be a result of signing baseband [WARNING] Failed to read BasebandSerialNumber from device! Is it already in recovery? [WARNING] Using tsschecker's fallback BasebandSerialNumber size. This might be a result of signing baseband [TSSC] opening BuildManifest.plist [TSSR] User specified to request only a Baseband ticket. Request URL set to Sending TSS request attempt 1 ... response successfully received Found device in Recovery mode Device already in Recovery mode Found device in Recovery mode Identified device as n53ap, iPhone6,2 Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW Product Version: 10.2 Product Build: 14C92 Major: 14 Device supports Image4: true Got APNonce from device: 04 f4 cc 64 dc 76 ec f0 39 67 4c 8b db 29 1a 36 ff 10 ce b7 checking APTicket to be valid for this restore ... Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID checking APTicket to be valid for this restore ... Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID Verified APTicket to be valid for this restore Variant: Customer Erase Install (IPSW) This restore will erase your device data. Extracting filesystem from IPSW [==================================================] 100.0% Extracting iBEC.n53.RELEASE.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component iBEC ... Sending iBEC (627863 bytes) ... waiting for device to reconnect .... Getting SepNonce in recovery mode ... 9c cd 10 66 e3 80 7f 14 be d4 e4 7e b5 fa e7 fc d1 12 97 33 Getting ApNonce in recovery mode ... 04 f4 cc 64 dc 76 ec f0 39 67 4c 8b db 29 1a 36 ff 10 ce b7 [WARNING] Setting bgcolor to green! IBEC correctly if you don’t see a green screen Recovery Mode Environment: iBoot build-version = iBoot-3406.30.8 iBoot build-style = RELEASE Sending RestoreLogo ... Extracting applelogo@2x~iphone.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreLogo ... Sending RestoreLogo (11639 bytes) ... ramdisk-size = 0x10000000 Extracting 058-54560-094.dmg ... Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreRamDisk ... Sending RestoreRamDisk (40326166 bytes) ... Extracting DeviceTree.n53ap.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreDeviceTree ... Sending RestoreDeviceTree (107952 bytes) ... Extracting kernelcache.release.n53 ... Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreKernelCache ... Sending RestoreKernelCache (11952408 bytes) ... Trying to fetch new SHSH blob Request URL set to Sending TSS request attempt 1 ... response successfully received Received SHSH blobs About to restore device ... Waiting for device ... Device 279b368953f7f5241648ce0e63bdbe4fc230b33d is now connected in restore mode ... Connecting now ... Connected to, version 14 Device 279b368953f7f5241648ce0e63bdbe4fc230b33d has successfully entered restore mode Hardware Information: BoardID: 2 ChipID: 35168 UniqueChipID: 4221131133492 ProductionMode: true Starting FDR listener thread About to send NORData ... Found firmware path Firmware / all_flash / all_flash.n53ap.production Getting firmware manifest from firmware / all_flash / all_flash.n53ap.production / manifest Extracting LLB.n53.RELEASE.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component LLB ... Extracting iBoot.n53.RELEASE.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component iBoot ... Extracting DeviceTree.n53ap.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component DeviceTree ... Extracting applelogo@2x~iphone.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component AppleLogo ... Extracting recoverymode@1136~iphone-lightning.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component RecoveryMode ... Extracting batterylow0@2x~iphone.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow0 ... Extracting batterylow1@2x~iphone.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow1 ... Extracting batterycharging0@2x~iphone.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging0 ... Extracting batterycharging1@2x~iphone.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging1 ... Extracting glyphplugin@1136~iphone-lightning.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryPlugin ... Extracting batteryfull@2x~iphone.s5l8960x.im4p ... Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryFull ... Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreSEP ... Personalizing IMG4 component SEP ... Sending NORData now ... Done sending nordata About to send RootTicket ... Sending RootTicket now ... Done sending root ticket Waiting for NAND (28) Checking filesystems (15) Unmounting filesystems (29) Unmounting filesystems (29) Creating partition map (11) Creating filesystem (12) Creating filesystem (12) About to send filesystem ... Connected to ASR Validating the filesystem Filesystem validated Sending filesystem now ... [==================================================] 100.0% Done sending filesystem Verifying restore (14) [==================================================] 100.0% Mounting filesystems (16) Mounting filesystems (16) About to send KernelCache ... Extracting kernelcache.release.n53 ... Personalizing IMG4 component KernelCache ... Sending KernelCache now ... Done sending KernelCache Installing kernelcache (27) Flashing firmware (18) [==================================================] 100.0% Updating gas gauge software (47) Updating gas gauge software (47) Updating baseband (19) About to send BasebandData ... sending request without baseband nonce Sending Baseband TSS request ... Request URL set to Sending TSS request attempt 1 ... response successfully received Received Baseband SHSH blobs Sending BasebandData now ... Done sending basebanddata Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating Baseband in progress ... About to send BasebandData ... Sending Baseband TSS request ... Request URL set to Sending TSS request attempt 1 ... response successfully received Received Baseband SHSH blobs Sending BasebandData now ... Done sending basebanddata Updating Baseband in progress ... About to send BasebandData ... Sending BasebandData now ... Done sending basebanddata Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating Baseband in progress ... About to send BasebandData ... Sending BasebandData now ... Done sending basebanddata Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating baseband (19) Updating Baseband completed. Updating Stockholm (55) About to send FUD data ... Sending FUD data now ... Done sending FUD data About to send FUD data ... Sending FUD data now ... Done sending FUD data Fixing up / var (17) Creating system key bag (50) Got status message Status: Disk Failure Log is available: SYSLOG: Jan 7 23:12:04 localhost bootlog [0]<Notice>: BOOT_TIME 1515366724 562957 [23: 12: 05.0364-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Image4 device: AP nonce clearable entering ramrod_clear_ap_nonce [23: 12: 05.0389-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: AP nonce consumed No IOFlashController instance found [23: 12: 05.0391-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: auto-boot = false [23: 12: 05.0392-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: Pre-existing NVRAM variable: restore-outcome = initial_monitor_no_return [23: 12: 05.0393-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT ANOMALY: [check_collection] restore-step-monitor (does_not_exist) [23: 12: 05.0394-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT PROGRESS: START (unknown) ->(initial_engine_no_return) [23: 12: 05.0394-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: NVRAM access available on initial check restore-anomalies = {0x00000000: [check_collection] restore-step-monitor (does_not_exist)} restore-outcome = initial_engine_no_return executing / usr / sbin / nvram restore-outcome = initial_engine_no_return [23: 12: 05.0415-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0400] umask restore-step-ids = {0x11030400: 1} restore-step-names = {0x11030400: umask} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [23: 12: 05.0418-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0400] umask restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [23: 12: 05.0421-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0402] setvbuf restore-step-ids = {0x11030402: 2} restore-step-names = {0x11030402: setvbuf} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [23: 12: 05.0423-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0402] setvbuf restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [23: 12: 05.0426-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0403] kernel_logger_thread restore-step-ids = {0x11030403: 3} restore-step-names = {0x11030403: kernel_logger_thread} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [23: 12: 05.0429-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0403] kernel_logger_thread unable to open / dev / klog: No such file or directory restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = -1 [23: 12: 05.0431-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0406] set_progress_0 restore-step-ids = {0x11030406: 4} restore-step-names = {0x11030406: set_progress_0} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = -1 display-scale = 2 display-rotation = 0 found applelogo at /usr/share/progressui/[email protected] found display: primary display: 640 x 1136 powering on display ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 0.000000 [23: 12: 05.0475-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0406] set_progress_0 restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0478-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread restore-step-ids = {0x11030407: 5} restore-step-names = {0x11030407: start_gasgauge_thread} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0482-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0407] start_gasgauge_thread restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0484-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0408] listen_for_log_client restore-step-ids = {0x11030408: 6} restore-step-names = {0x11030408: listen_for_log_client} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0487-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0408] listen_for_log_client restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0490-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x040D] create_listen_socket restore-step-ids = {0x1103040D: 7} restore-step-names = {0x1103040D: create_listen_socket} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0492-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x040D] create_listen_socket restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0495-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0404] update_root_mount restore-step-ids = {0x11030404: 8} restore-step-names = {0x11030404: update_root_mount} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0500-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0404] update_root_mount restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0502-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x0405] disable_watchdog restore-step-ids = {0x11030405: 9} restore-step-names = {0x11030405: disable_watchdog} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0507-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x0405] disable_watchdog restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 05.0509-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MAIN: [0x040E] enable_usb restore-step-ids = {0x1103040E: 10} restore-step-names = {0x1103040E: enable_usb} restore-step-uptime = 1 restore-step-user-progress = 0 waiting for matching IOKit service:<CFBasicHash 0x104002be0 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x1011cf640 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "IOProviderClass"} =<CFString 0x104003100 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "AppleUSBDeviceMux"} } [23: 12: 08.0527-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: MAIN: [0x040E] enable_usb restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 4 restore-step-user-progress = 0 start of restore [timeout of 120 seconds] recv (8, 4) failed: connection closed unable to read message size: -1 could not receive message recv (8, 4) failed: connection closed unable to read message size: -1 could not receive message [23: 12: 09.0266-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0600] client_protocol_version restore-step-ids = {0x11030600: 11} restore-step-names = {0x11030600: client_protocol_version} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 client protocol version 14 [23: 12: 09.0274-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0600] client_protocol_version restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0279-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0601] copy_restore_options restore-step-ids = {0x11030601: 12} restore-step-names = {0x11030601: copy_restore_options} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 *** UUID C682DB85-9327-CE4A-FAA4-4972394E2A6A *** Restore options: CreateFilesystemPartitions =><CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} MinimumSystemPartition =><CFNumber 0xb00000000000cbf3 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3263, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} UUID =><CFString 0x1036104c0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "C682DB85-9327-CE4A-FAA4-4972394E2A6A"} SystemPartitionSize =><CFNumber 0xb00000000000cbf3 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3263, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} SystemPartitionPadding =><CFBasicHash 0x103610710 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 9, entries => 0 : 512 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000005003 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +1280, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 2 : 128 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000005003 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +1280, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 3 : 16 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000000a03 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +160, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 4 : 1024 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000005003 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +1280, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 5 : 32 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000001403 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +320, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 6 : 768 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000005003 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +1280, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 7 : 8 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000000503 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +80, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 8 : 64 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000002803 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +640, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 10 : 256 = <CFNumber 0xb000000000005003 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +1280, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} } PersonalizedDuringPreflight =><CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} [23: 12: 09.0293-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0601] copy_restore_options restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0299-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0655] is_host_compatible restore-step-ids = {0x11030655: 13} restore-step-names = {0x11030655: is_host_compatible} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0304-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0655] is_host_compatible restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0309-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0604] set_weight_from_options restore-step-ids = {0x11030604: 14} restore-step-names = {0x11030604: set_weight_from_options} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0315-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0604] set_weight_from_options restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0320-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0608] device_has_hoover restore-step-ids = {0x11030608: 15} restore-step-names = {0x11030608: device_has_hoover} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0327-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0608] device_has_hoover restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 09.0332-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0609] load_sep_os restore-step-ids = {0x11030609: 16} restore-step-names = {0x11030609: load_sep_os} restore-step-uptime = 5 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering load_sep_os device has sep - getting firmware entering copy_restore_sep got sep firmware - making call to load it entering ramrod_load_sep_os entering ramrod_execute_command_with_input_data: / usr / libexec / seputil (0x1064e4000 - 4883593) executing / usr / libexec / seputil --restore + art - waiting for child to exit child exited exit status: 0 [23: 12: 11.0858-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0609] load_sep_os restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0860-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x060B] update_ticket restore-step-ids = {0x1103060B: 17} restore-step-names = {0x1103060B: update_ticket} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_ticket_update looking up boot manifest hash crypto-hash-method found. Using SHA1 device tree ticket_hash: B67682E1A89C8E446579AB73FCDEE5E84EE4A159 computed ticket_hash: B67682E1A89C8E446579AB73FCDEE5E84EE4A159 received valid ticket (5099 bytes) [23: 12: 11.0866-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x060B] update_ticket restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0868-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x060C] partition_nand restore-step-ids = {0x1103060C: 18} restore-step-names = {0x1103060C: partition_nand} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering partition_nand_device [23: 12: 11.0871-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x060C] partition_nand restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0873-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x060D] wait_for_storage restore-step-ids = {0x1103060D: 19} restore-step-names = {0x1103060D: wait_for_storage} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering wait_for_storage_device ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 0.000000 Searching for NAND service Found NAND service: ASPStorage NAND initialized. Waiting for devnode. [23: 12: 11.0878-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x060D] wait_for_storage restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0880-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x060E] update_s3e_firmware restore-step-ids = {0x1103060E: 20} restore-step-names = {0x1103060E: update_s3e_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0882-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x060E] update_s3e_firmware restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0884-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x060F] clear_remap_variable restore-step-ids = {0x1103060F: 21} restore-step-names = {0x1103060F: clear_remap_variable} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering clear_remap_variable executing / usr / sbin / nvram -d enable-remap-mode enable-remap-mode [23: 12: 11.0906-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x060F] clear_remap_variable restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0909-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0610] asp_nand_set_writable restore-step-ids = {0x11030610: 22} restore-step-names = {0x11030610: asp_nand_set_writable} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 Service name: ASPStorage Set ASP writable successfully [23: 12: 11.0916-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0610] asp_nand_set_writable restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0919-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0611] reprobe_storage restore-step-ids = {0x11030611: 23} restore-step-names = {0x11030611: reprobe_storage} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_reprobe_device_path entering ramrod_probe_media device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container / dev / disk0s1 device is APFS formatted find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0 container = / dev / disk0s1 system = / dev / disk0s1s1 data = / dev / disk0s1s2 baseband data = log = [23: 12: 11.0942-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0611] reprobe_storage restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0945-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0612] reprobe_firmware restore-step-ids = {0x11030612: 24} restore-step-names = {0x11030612: reprobe_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_reprobe_device_path entering ramrod_probe_media device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container / dev / disk0s1 device is APFS formatted find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0 container = / dev / disk0s1 system = / dev / disk0s1s1 data = / dev / disk0s1s2 baseband data = log = [23: 12: 11.0955-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0612] reprobe_firmware restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0958-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0613] find_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {0x11030613: 25} restore-step-names = {0x11030613: find_filesystem_partitions} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering ramrod_probe_media device partitioning scheme is GPT APFS Container / dev / disk0s1 device is APFS formatted find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0 container = / dev / disk0s1 system = / dev / disk0s1s1 data = / dev / disk0s1s2 baseband data = log = [23: 12: 11.0964-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0613] find_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 11.0966-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0614] mount_system_partition restore-step-ids = {0x11030614: 26} restore-step-names = {0x11030614: mount_system_partition} restore-step-uptime = 7 restore-step-user-progress = 0 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 0.000000 entering mount_partition executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/fsck_apfs -fqy / dev / disk0s1s1 nx_mount: 777: Container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_mount: 895: checkpoint search: largest xid 483690, best xid 483690 @ 100 nx_check: 538: skipping check of fs [1] oid 2281535 fs root tree because it's encrypted error: option -f (unimplemented) Checking / dev / rdisk0s1 Checking with nx_check. executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/mount_apfs -o rdonly / dev / disk0s1s1 / mnt1 / dev / disk0s1s1 mounted on / mnt1 System mounted read-only [23: 12: 25.0558-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0614] mount_system_partition restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0565-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0654] read_previous_os_build_version restore-step-ids = {0x11030654: 27} restore-step-names = {0x11030654: read_previous_os_build_version} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 ramrod_read_previous_os_build_version: previous OS version: (null) [23: 12: 25.0578-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0654] read_previous_os_build_version restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0585-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0615] copy_hardware_info restore-step-ids = {0x11030615: 28} restore-step-names = {0x11030615: copy_hardware_info} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0593-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0615] copy_hardware_info restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0601-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0616] fdr_create restore-step-ids = {0x11030616: 29} restore-step-names = {0x11030616: fdr_create} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 restored_fdr_initialize returned false RestoredFDRCreate () returned 0 FDR is not supported on this device [23: 12: 25.0633-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0616] fdr_create restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0641-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0617] fdr_save_data restore-step-ids = {0x11030617: 30} restore-step-names = {0x11030617: fdr_save_data} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 RestoredFDRSaveData: restoredFDR is NULL, not able to preserve FDR data. RestoredFDRSaveData success [23: 12: 25.0652-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0617] fdr_save_data restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0659-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0618] store_baseband_migration restore-step-ids = {0x11030618: 31} restore-step-names = {0x11030618: store_baseband_migration} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 create_baseband_update_options: Got imeisv: 23 baseband updater options =<CFBasicHash 0x103611d70 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 4, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x100333b80 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "IMEISwVersion"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000172 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +23, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 1 : <CFString 0x100333b40 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "restoredInternal"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b240 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = false} 2 : <CFString 0x100333ca0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "autoSetupEnv"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b240 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = false} 6 : <CFString 0x100333cc0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "disablePing"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} } _baseband_update_requires_filesystems_once: querying baseband to determine if it requires system filesystem bbupdater: cmdCopyRequirePartitionMount: supports flashless 1 bbupdater: cmdCopyRequirePartitionMount: supports REFS 0 bbupdater: cmdCopyRequirePartitionMount: need data partition for coredumps _baseband_update_requires_filesystems_once: query returned<CFBasicHash 0x103611de0 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x100333520 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "requireUserPartitionMount"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} 1 : <CFString 0x100333540 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "requestedBasebandFSPartitionMountSize"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000003 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +0, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 2 : <CFString 0x1003334e0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "requireSystemPartitionMount"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} } bbupdater: cmdCopyBasebandMigrationData: copying migration data [23: 12: 25.0709-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0618] store_baseband_migration restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0714-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0619] check_for_restore_log restore-step-ids = {0x11030619: 32} restore-step-names = {0x11030619: check_for_restore_log} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering check_for_restore_log restore log does not exist [23: 12: 25.0722-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0619] check_for_restore_log restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 25.0728-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x061A] check_for_ota_logs restore-step-ids = {0x1103061A: 33} restore-step-names = {0x1103061A: check_for_ota_logs} restore-step-uptime = 21 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering mount_partition executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/fsck_apfs -fqy / dev / disk0s1s2 nx_mount: 777: Container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_mount: 895: checkpoint search: largest xid 483690, best xid 483690 @ 100 nx_check: 538: skipping check of fs [1] oid 2281535 fs root tree because it's encrypted error: option -f (unimplemented) Checking / dev / rdisk0s1 Checking with nx_check. executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/mount_apfs / dev / disk0s1s2 / mnt2 mount_apfs: mount: Invalid argument mounting / dev / disk0s1s2 on / mnt2 failed OTA logs. [23: 12: 38.0248-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT WARNING: RESTORED: [0x061A] failed to check for OTA logs: -1 [23: 12: 38.0248-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x061A] check_for_ota_logs restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-warnings = {0x1106061A: {0: "failed to check for OTA logs: -1"}} restore-step-uptime = 34 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 12: 38.0253-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x061B] submit_update_stats restore-step-ids = {0x1103061B: 34} restore-step-names = {0x1103061B: submit_update_stats} restore-step-uptime = 34 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering mount_partition executing / sbin / mount -u -o -w / dev / disk0s1s1 / mnt1 mount_apfs: unknown option '-w' mount_apfs: [-o options] [-u UID] [-g GID]<-C device | -s snapshot volume | device><directory> Failed to change permissions on / dev / disk0s1s1 mounted at / mnt1 to readwrite. Error: 64. entering unmount_partition System unmounted executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/fsck_apfs -fqy / dev / disk0s1s1 nx_mount: 777: Container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_mount: 895: checkpoint search: largest xid 483690, best xid 483690 @ 100 nx_check: 538: skipping check of fs [1] oid 2281535 fs root tree because it's encrypted error: option -f (unimplemented) Checking / dev / rdisk0s1 Checking with nx_check. executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/mount_apfs / dev / disk0s1s1 / mnt1 / dev / disk0s1s1 mounted on / mnt1 System mounted read-write entering mount_partition executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/fsck_apfs -fqy / dev / disk0s1s2 nx_mount: 777: Container cleanly-unmounted flag set. nx_mount: 895: checkpoint search: largest xid 483690, best xid 483690 @ 100 nx_check: 538: skipping check of fs [1] oid 2281535 fs root tree because it's encrypted error: option -f (unimplemented) Checking / dev / rdisk0s1 Checking with nx_check. executing /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/mount_apfs / dev / disk0s1s2 / mnt2 mount_apfs: mount: Invalid argument mounting / dev / disk0s1s2 on / mnt2 failed Returns to stats: submit_update_stats: mounting data partition __AMSupportHttpCopyProxySettings_block_invoke: Proxy available __AMSupportHttpCopyProxySettings_block_invoke: AMSupportHttpCopyProxySettings: RPNotificationProxyAvailable AMSupportHttpCopyProxySettings: proxyInfo =<CFBasicHash 0x104004990 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 2, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x100f049b0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "SOCKSProxy"} =<CFString 0x100184c50 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = ""} 1 : <CFString 0x100f049d0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "SOCKSPort"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000004392 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +1081, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} } calling UMEventShimSubmitEvents : start : unable to create support directory: Error Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code = 642 "(null)" UserInfo = {NSFilePath = / mnt2 / db / UpdateMetrics, NSUnderlyingError = 0x103611cd0 {Error Domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code = 30 "Read-only file system"} } : unable to create support directory: Error Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code = 642 "(null)" UserInfo = {NSFilePath = / mnt2 / db / UpdateMetrics, NSUnderlyingError = 0x104020ec0 {Error Domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code = 30 "Read-only file system"} } : ignoring call to recordPostUpdateEvent when no install is in progress : unable to create support directory: Error Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code = 642 "(null)" UserInfo = {NSFilePath = / mnt2 / db / UpdateMetrics, NSUnderlyingError = 0x104021110 {Error Domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code = 30 "Read-only file system"} } : unable to create a directory for the update events file system "}} : error for (null): Error Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code = 260 "(null)" UserInfo = {NSURL = file: /// mnt2 / db / UpdateMetrics / Events, NSFilePath = / mnt2 / db / UpdateMetrics / Events, NSUnderlyingError = 0x104022b30 {Error Domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code = 2 "No such file or directory"}} UMEventShimSubmitEvents done [23: 13: 04.0635-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x061B] submit_update_stats restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 60 restore-step-user-progress = 0 [23: 13: 04.0638-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x061D] unmount_unconditionally restore-step-ids = {0x1103061D: 35} restore-step-names = {0x1103061D: unmount_unconditionally restore-step-uptime = 60 restore-step-user-progress = 0 entering unmount_filesystems ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 1.000000 entering unmount_partition System unmounted ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 1.000000 entering unmount_partition Data not mounted (unmount ignored) [23: 13: 04.0649-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x061D] unmount_unconditionally restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 60 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 04.0652-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x064E] clean_nand restore-step-ids = {0x1103064E: 36} restore-step-names = {0x1103064E: clean_nand} restore-step-uptime = 60 restore-step-user-progress = 1 entering clean_NAND NAND format complete entering ramrod_probe_media find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0 container = system = data = baseband data = log = [23: 13: 05.0640-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x064E] clean_nand restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 05.0647-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0653] create_readwrite_ramdisk restore-step-ids = {0x11030653: 37} restore-step-names = {0x11030653: create_readwrite_ramdisk} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 executing / usr / sbin / hdik -nomount ram: // 5120 / dev / disk4 executing / sbin / newfs_hfs -J -v readwrite_ramdisk / dev / disk4 Initialized / dev / rdisk4 as a 3 MB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 512k journal executing / sbin / fsck_hfs -fdy / dev / disk4 journal_replay (/ dev / disk4) returned 0 ** / dev / rdisk4 Using cacheBlockSize = 32K cacheTotalBlock = 4000 cacheSize = 128000K. Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-366.30.3). ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume. The volume name is readwrite_ramdisk ** Checking extents overflow file. ** Checking catalog file. ** Checking multi-linked files. ** Checking catalog hierarchy. ** Checking extended attributes file. ** Checking volume bitmap. ** Checking volume information. ** The volume readwrite_ramdisk appears to be OK. CheckHFS returned 0, fsmodified = 0 executing / sbin / mount_hfs / dev / disk4 / mnt5 mount_hfs: couldn’t create a file [23: 13: 05.0933-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0653] create_readwrite_ramdisk restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 05.0937-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x061F] format_effaceable_storage restore-step-ids = {0x1103061F: 38} restore-step-names = {0x1103061F: format_effaceable_storage} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 entering format_effaceable_storage effaceable storage is formatted, clearing it effaceable storaged cleared [23: 13: 05.0965-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x061F] format_effaceable_storage restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 05.0969-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0643] get_apfs_options restore-step-ids = {0x11030643: 39} restore-step-names = {0x11030643: get_apfs_options} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 05.0973-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0643] get_apfs_options restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 05.0977-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0620] format_storage_for_lwvm restore-step-ids = {0x11030620: 40} restore-step-names = {0x11030620: format_storage_for_lwvm} restore-step-uptime = 61 restore-step-user-progress = 1 entering format_storage_for_LwVM no-lwvm-offset-mgmt property not found entering ramrod_probe_media device partitioning scheme is GPT unexpected partition 'LwVM' - skipping find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0s1 container = system = data = baseband data = log = [23: 13: 06.0012-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0620] format_storage_for_lwvm restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 62 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 06.0016-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0621] create_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {0x11030621: 41} restore-step-names = {0x11030621: create_filesystem_partitions} restore-step-uptime = 62 restore-step-user-progress = 1 entering create_filesystem_partitions ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 1.000000 User specified system partition size, skipping firmware extras size. system partition padding size is: 167772160 bytes unable to open: No such file or directory creating 2 partitions creating encrypted data partition entering ramrod_probe_media device partitioning scheme is GPT find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0s1 container = system = / dev / disk0s1s1 data = / dev / disk0s1s2 baseband data = log = ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 1.000000 wipe entire partition: 1 (old = 0 new = 3423) block size for / dev / disk0s1s1: 4096 / sbin / newfs_hfs -s -J -v System / dev / disk0s1s1 executing / sbin / newfs_hfs -s -J -v System / dev / disk0s1s1 Initialized / dev / rdisk0s1s1 as a 3 GB case-sensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 1.000000 block size for / dev / disk0s1s2: 4096 / sbin / newfs_hfs -s -J -v Data -P / dev / disk0s1s2 executing / sbin / newfs_hfs -s -J -v Data -P / dev / disk0s1s2 Initialized / dev / rdisk0s1s2 as a 11 GB case-sensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal [23: 13: 09.0228-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0621] create_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 09.0231-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0622] reload_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {0x11030622: 42} restore-step-names = {0x11030622: reload_filesystem_partitions} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 entering ramrod_probe_media device partitioning scheme is GPT find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0s1 container = system = / dev / disk0s1s1 data = / dev / disk0s1s2 baseband data = log = [23: 13: 09.0238-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0622] reload_filesystem_partitions restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 09.0241-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0645] check_not_apfs_mount restore-step-ids = {0x11030645: 43} restore-step-names = {0x11030645: check_not_apfs_mount} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 09.0245-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: NOT_APFS: [0x0900] baseband_migration_data restore-step-ids = {0x11030645: 43; 0x11030900: 44} restore-step-names = {0x11030645: check_not_apfs_mount; 0x11030900: baseband_migration_data} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 bbupdater: cmdRestoreBasebandMigrationData: restoring migration data bbupdater: restoring baseband migration data succeeded [23: 13: 09.0253-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: NOT_APFS: [0x0900] baseband_migration_data restore-step-ids = {0x11030645: 43} restore-step-names = {0x11030645: check_not_apfs_mount} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 09.0257-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: NOT_APFS: [0x0901] check_update restore-step-ids = {0x11030645: 43; 0x11030901: 45} restore-step-names = {0x11030645: check_not_apfs_mount; 0x11030901: check_update} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 09.0262-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: NOT_APFS: [0x0901] check_update restore-step-ids = {0x11030645: 43} restore-step-names = {0x11030645: check_not_apfs_mount} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 09.0267-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0645] check_not_apfs_mount restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 [23: 13: 09.0272-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0624] restore_images restore-step-ids = {0x11030624: 46} restore-step-names = {0x11030624: restore_images} restore-step-uptime = 65 restore-step-user-progress = 1 entering restore_images OS digest = 5a923c9d1a2e14da35c2b2ebc522d3462a34de2f Successfully marked device node / dev / rdisk0s1s1 as static data executing / usr / sbin / asr -source asr: // localhost: 12345 -target / dev / disk0s1s1 -erase -noprompt --chunkchecksum --puppetstrings --expectedhash 5a923c9d1a2e14da35c2b2ebc522d3462a34de2f ASR STATUS: start 391 multicast-client ASR: Waiting for connection attempt from server ASR STATUS: setup ASR: Validating target ... done ASR STATUS: metadata ASR: Validating source ... ASR: done ASR: Retrieving scan information ... ASR: done ASR: Validating sizes ... ASR: done ASR STATUS: restore ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 2% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 7.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 4% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 8.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 6% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 8.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 8% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 9.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 10% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 10.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 12% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 10.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 14% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 11.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 16% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 11.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 18% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 12.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 20% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 13.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 22% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 13.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 24% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 14.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 26% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 14.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 28% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 15.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 30% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 16.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 32% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 16.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 34% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 17.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 36% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 18.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 38% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 18.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 40% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 19.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 42% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 19.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 44% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 20.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 46% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 21.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 48% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 21.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 50% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 22.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 52% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 23.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 54% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 23.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 56% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 24.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 58% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 24.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 60% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 25.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 62% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 26.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 64% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 26.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 66% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 27.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 68% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 28.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 70% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 28.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 72% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 29.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 74% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 29.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 76% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 30.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 78% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 31.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 80% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 31.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 82% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 32.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 84% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 32.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 86% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 33.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 88% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 34.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 90% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 34.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 92% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 35.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 94% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 36.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 96% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 36.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 98% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 37.000000 ASR RESTORE PROGRESS: 100% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 37.000000 ASR: Copied 3422212608 bytes in 94.07 seconds, 35526.64 KiB / s ASR STATUS: verify ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 2% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 38.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 4% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 38.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 6% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 39.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 8% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 39.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 10% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 40.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 12% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 40.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 14% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 41.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 16% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 41.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 18% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 41.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 20% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 42.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 22% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 42.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 24% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 43.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 26% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 43.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 28% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 44.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 30% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 44.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 32% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 45.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 34% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 45.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 36% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 46.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 38% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 46.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 40% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 46.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 42% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 47.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 44% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 47.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 46% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 48.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 48% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 48.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 50% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 49.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 52% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 49.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 54% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 50.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 56% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 50.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 58% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 50.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 60% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 51.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 62% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 51.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 64% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 52.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 66% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 52.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 68% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 53.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 70% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 53.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 72% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 54.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 74% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 54.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 76% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 54.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 78% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 55.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 80% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 55.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 82% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 56.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 84% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 56.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 86% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 57.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 88% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 57.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 90% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 58.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 92% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 58.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 94% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 59.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 96% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 59.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 98% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 59.000000 ASR VERIFY PROGRESS: 100% ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 60.000000 ASR: Calculated SHA-1 checksum 3422212608 bytes in 16.32 seconds, 204749.43 KiB / s ASR STATUS: finish [23: 15: 03.0097-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0624] restore_images restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 179 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 03.0099-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0625] find_partitions_after_images restore-step-ids = {0x11030625: 47} restore-step-names = {0x11030625: find_partitions_after_images} restore-step-uptime = 179 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering ramrod_probe_media device partitioning scheme is GPT find_filesystem_partitions: storage = / dev / disk0s1 container = system = / dev / disk0s1s1 data = / dev / disk0s1s2 baseband data = log = [23: 15: 03.0104-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0625] find_partitions_after_images restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 179 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 03.0106-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x064F] check_apfs_format restore-step-ids = {0x1103064F: 48} restore-step-names = {0x1103064F: check_apfs_format} restore-step-uptime = 179 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 03.0108-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x064F] check_apfs_format restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 179 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 03.0110-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0626] mount_filesystem_if_fdr restore-step-ids = {0x11030626: 49} restore-step-names = {0x11030626: mount_filesystem_if_fdr} restore-step-uptime = 179 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering mount_filesystems ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 60.000000 entering mount_partition executing / sbin / fsck_hfs -fdy / dev / disk0s1s1 journal_replay (/ dev / disk0s1s1) returned 0 ** / dev / rdisk0s1s1 Using cacheBlockSize = 32K cacheTotalBlock = 4000 cacheSize = 128000K. Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-366.30.3). ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume. ** Detected a case-sensitive volume. The volume name is Corry14C92.N51N53OS ** Checking extents overflow file. ** Checking catalog file. ** Checking multi-linked files. ** Checking catalog hierarchy. ** Checking extended attributes file. ** Checking volume bitmap. ** Checking volume information. ** Trimming unused blocks. ** The volume Corry14C92.N51N53OS appears to be OK. CheckHFS returned 0, fsmodified = 0 executing / sbin / mount_hfs / dev / disk0s1s1 / mnt1 mount_hfs: couldn’t create a file / dev / disk0s1s1 mounted on / mnt1 System mounted read-write ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 60.000000 entering mount_partition executing / sbin / fsck_hfs -fdy / dev / disk0s1s2 journal_replay (/ dev / disk0s1s2) returned 0 ** / dev / rdisk0s1s2 Using cacheBlockSize = 32K cacheTotalBlock = 4000 cacheSize = 128000K. Executing fsck_hfs (version hfs-366.30.3). ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume. ** Detected a case-sensitive volume. The volume name is Data ** Checking extents overflow file. ** Checking catalog file. ** Checking multi-linked files. ** Checking catalog hierarchy. ** Checking extended attributes file. ** Checking volume bitmap. ** Checking volume information. ** Trimming unused blocks. ** The volume Data appears to be OK. CheckHFS returned 0, fsmodified = 0 executing / sbin / mount_hfs / dev / disk0s1s2 / mnt2 mount_hfs: couldn’t create a file / dev / disk0s1s2 mounted on / mnt2 Data mounted read-write [23: 15: 13.0170-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0626] mount_filesystem_if_fdr restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 189 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 13.0172-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0627] fdr_restore_saved_data restore-step-ids = {0x11030627: 50} restore-step-names = {0x11030627: fdr_restore_saved_data} restore-step-uptime = 189 restore-step-user-progress = 60 RestoredFDRRestoreSavedData success [23: 15: 13.0175-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0627] fdr_restore_saved_data restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 189 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 13.0178-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0628] install_kernel_cache restore-step-ids = {0x11030628: 51} restore-step-names = {0x11030628: install_kernel_cache} restore-step-uptime = 189 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 13.0180-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: SYSTEM: [0x0E00] install_kernel_cache restore-step-ids = {0x11030628: 51; 0x11030E00: 52} restore-step-names = {0x11030628: install_kernel_cache; 0x11030E00: install_kernel_cache} restore-step-uptime = 189 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering install_kernel_cache ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 60.000000 writing kernelcache to /mnt1/System/Library/Caches/ [23: 15: 14.0208-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: SYSTEM: [0x0E00] install_kernel_cache restore-step-ids = {0x11030628: 51} restore-step-names = {0x11030628: install_kernel_cache} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 14.0211-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: SYSTEM: [0x0E01] install_secure_vault_daemon restore-step-ids = {0x11030628: 51; 0x11030E01: 53} restore-step-names = {0x11030628: install_kernel_cache; 0x11030E01: install_secure_vault_daemon} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering install_secure_vault_daemon entering get_hardware_platform platform-name = s5l8960x linking / mnt1 / usr / sbin / securekeyvaultd to /mnt1/usr/sbin/securekeyvaultd.s5l8960x no securekeyvaultd for s5l8960x [23: 15: 14.0228-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: SYSTEM: [0x0E01] install_secure_vault_daemon restore-step-ids = {0x11030628: 51} restore-step-names = {0x11030628: install_kernel_cache} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 14.0230-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: SYSTEM: [0x0E02] write_ticket restore-step-ids = {0x11030628: 51; 0x11030E02: 54} restore-step-names = {0x11030628: install_kernel_cache; 0x11030E02: write_ticket} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering ramrod_ticket_write writing ticket to /mnt1/System/Library/Caches/apticket.der [23: 15: 14.0234-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: SYSTEM: [0x0E02] write_ticket restore-step-ids = {0x11030628: 51} restore-step-names = {0x11030628: install_kernel_cache} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 14.0237-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0628] install_kernel_cache restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 14.0239-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0652] clear_fips_data_file restore-step-ids = {0x11030652: 55} restore-step-names = {0x11030652: clear_fips_data_file} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 14.0242-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0652] clear_fips_data_file restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 14.0244-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0634] fdr_recover restore-step-ids = {0x11030634: 56} restore-step-names = {0x11030634: fdr_recover} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering RestoredFDRRecover [23: 15: 14.0247-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0634] fdr_recover restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 [23: 15: 14.0250-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0635] update_device_firmware restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering update_device_firmware entering add_baseband_partition_options entering ramrod_update_device_firmware [23: 15: 14.0261-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1300] update_iBoot restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031300: 58} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031300: update_iBoot} restore-step-uptime = 190 restore-step-user-progress = 60 entering update_iBoot entering copy_sep ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 60.000000 entering wait_for_io_service_matching_any_class_with_timeout entering wait_for_io_service_matching_any_dict found 'ASPStorage' object in IORegistry entering update_iBoot_ASP_storage entering wait_for_device: '/ dev / disk1' entering wait_for_device: '/ dev / disk2' writing 10 images to Firmware node '/ dev / disk1' (preferred_block_size = 4096) original data length: 627863; img4_restore_data length: 627900 write_data_to_fd: length = 627900, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 107952; img4_restore_data length: 107989 write_data_to_fd: length = 107989, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 11639; img4_restore_data length: 11676 write_data_to_fd: length = 11676, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 225589; img4_restore_data length: 225626 write_data_to_fd: length = 225626, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 48455; img4_restore_data length: 48492 write_data_to_fd: length = 48492, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 6881; img4_restore_data length: 6918 write_data_to_fd: length = 6918, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 14560; img4_restore_data length: 14597 write_data_to_fd: length = 14597, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 39842; img4_restore_data length: 39879 write_data_to_fd: length = 39879, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 8787; img4_restore_data length: 8824 write_data_to_fd: length = 8824, preferred_block_size = 4096 original data length: 88905; img4_restore_data length: 88942 write_data_to_fd: length = 88942, preferred_block_size = 4096 done with flash images - writing end of contents write_data_to_fd: length = 2, preferred_block_size = 4096 writing 1 boot images to boot block node '/ dev / disk2' (preferred_block_size = 0x4096) original data length: 165015; img4_restore_data length: 165052 write_data_to_fd: length = 165052, preferred_block_size = 4096 write_data_to_fd: length = 2, preferred_block_size = 4096 write_data_to_fd: length = 2919, preferred_block_size = 4096 done with boot images - writing end of contents entering update_sep writing sep firmware to /mnt1/usr/standalone/firmware/sep-firmware.img4 write_data_to_fd: length = 4883593, preferred_block_size = 4096 update_sep returned: success ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 [23: 15: 16.0811-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1300] update_iBoot restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 192 restore-step-user-progress = 63 [23: 15: 16.0814-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1301] update_gas_gauge restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031301: 59} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031301: update_gas_gauge} restore-step-uptime = 192 restore-step-user-progress = 63 entering update_gas_gauge ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 [23: 15: 16.0817-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1301] update_gas_gauge restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 192 restore-step-user-progress = 63 [23: 15: 16.0819-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1302] update_ir_mcu restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031302: 60} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031302: update_ir_mcu} restore-step-uptime = 192 restore-step-user-progress = 63 entering update_ir_mcu ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 looking for mcu nub ... no entry from path! TiSerialFlasher not supported on this platform. Exiting. [23: 15: 16.0825-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1302] update_ir_mcu restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 192 restore-step-user-progress = 63 [23: 15: 16.0827-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1303] update_baseband restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031303: 61} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031303: update_baseband} restore-step-uptime = 192 restore-step-user-progress = 63 entering update_baseband ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 update_baseband: registering for progress notifications create_baseband_update_options: Got imeisv: 23 baseband updater options =<CFBasicHash 0x103615b80 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 8, entries => 2 : <CFString 0x1003339a0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "SystemRoot"} = / mnt1 4 : <CFString 0x1003338c0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "DisallowFusiing"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} 6 : <CFString 0x100333ca0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "autoSetupEnv"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b240 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = false} 7 : <CFString 0x100333840 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "forceUpdate"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} 8 : <CFString 0x100333cc0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "disablePing"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b230 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = true} 9 : <CFString 0x100333b40 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "restoredInternal"} =<CFBoolean 0x100f2b240 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = false} 11 : <CFString 0x1003339c0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "DataRoot"} = / mnt2 12 : <CFString 0x100333b80 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "IMEISwVersion"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000172 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +23, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} } update_baseband: querying baseband info bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage first bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing first stage bbupdater: Requested boot mode: kBBUBootModeNone bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts 5 ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: END: Preparing first stage bbupdater: Connecting to Loader ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Getting Version ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Loader version: PBL-DloadVER2.0 bbupdater: fusing disallowed, will treat as fused bbupdater: END: Querying info at stage first update_baseband: query returned<CFBasicHash 0x10402cde0 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 6, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x100333d60 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000006f20e13 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +7282913, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 1 : <CFString 0x100333d40 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipSerialNo"} =<CFData 0x10402a080 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 4, capacity = 4, bytes = 0x35704239} 2 : <CFString 0x1003340e0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000d3da57423 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3554301762, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 3 : <CFString 0x100334100 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "VendorID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 4 : <CFString 0x1003341a0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "FusingStatus"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 6 : <CFString 0x100333dc0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertHash"} =<CFData 0x10402cd80 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 32, capacity = 32, bytes = 0xd3da5742033972363a4c924d38ecceff ... 95fb2105b9f1ae18} } update_baseband: requesting baseband firmware data update_baseband: received data from host (107535 bytes) update_baseband: performing next update stage bbupdater: BEGIN: Perform stage at first bbupdater: isInRegularBootMode: false bbupdater: Loading ... bbupdater: 0x2a008400 of 0x2a01d584 (28 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: 0x2a010800 of 0x2a01d584 (56 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: 0x2a018c00 of 0x2a01d584 (84 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: 0x2a01d584 of 0x2a01d584 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Launching ... bbupdater: OK ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: END: Perform stage at first send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host update_baseband: querying baseband info bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage second bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing Second stage bbupdater: Re-configure transport for second stage. bbupdater: END: Preparing Second stage bbupdater: isInRegularBootMode: false bbupdater: BEGIN: Gathering Personalization parameters ... bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModeMaverick bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModeMaverick bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Starting Maverick Protocol (handleMaverickGetNonce_nl) bbupdater: Baseband indicating EFS erase: no bbupdater: Setting HSIC cookie? 0 bbupdater: Sending Erase Response: Length 12 Type 161 Erase EFS 0 bbupdater: Checking Manifest Request: Length 72 Type 162 bbupdater: SNUM: 35704239 / CHIPID: 0x006f20e1 bbupdater: NONCE: 275C1084C00E6A028D30D161A31385320FF2CEBC bbupdater: PUBLIC_KEY_HASH: D3DA5742033972363A4C924D38ECCEFFF47926E18AAA31C495FB2105B9F1AE18 bbupdater: CertID: 3554301762 bbupdater: END: Gathering Personalization parameters ... bbupdater: END: Querying info at stage second update_baseband: query returned<CFBasicHash 0x10402cde0 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 7, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x100333d60 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000006f20e13 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +7282913, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 1 : <CFString 0x1003340e0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000d3da57423 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3554301762, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 2 : <CFString 0x100334100 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "VendorID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 3 : <CFString 0x1003341a0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "FusingStatus"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 4 : <CFString 0x100333dc0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertHash"} =<CFData 0x10402bfe0 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 32, capacity = 32, bytes = 0xd3da5742033972363a4c924d38ecceff ... 95fb2105b9f1ae18} 5 : <CFString 0x100333de0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "Nonce"} =<CFData 0x10402bf30 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x275c1084c00e6a028d30d161a31385320ff2cebc} 11 : <CFString 0x100333d40 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipSerialNo"} =<CFData 0x10402bf90 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 4, capacity = 4, bytes = 0x35704239} } update_baseband: requesting baseband firmware data update_baseband: received data from host (22457834 bytes) update_baseband: performing next update stage bbupdater: BEGIN: Perform stage at second bbupdater: Setting DIAG over HSIC? one bbupdater: BEGIN: Sending 5 Images bbupdater: Resuming Maverick Protocol bbupdater: Sent Manifest with length 991 SHA256 9cd53f6cfb77a20afe5a6b379dc18b3ca183e7d62f89506d051aff4c84a8a5f9 bbupdater: SBL1_HASH: 3E42CD22488C4959F113D4B870C35CE3518FA67D bbupdater: SBL2_HASH: 793D9FE2A098C6E344155B8E5300B0159569CB33 bbupdater: RPM_HASH: CE8FD6500681DECF58A023D0BB403EAA45C1576E bbupdater: APPS_HASH: 475962111245651ECD7A0CF6BDD7A60997B91E6F bbupdater: DSP1_HASH: 462802133EBD814CA687651DC89770655C7BE087 bbupdater: DSP2_HASH: 62B6460079202D404D13A60557BD73D052CB13A4 bbupdater: DSP3_HASH: 47AD197EC3AA657F8F77F52711A12159F36F5656 bbupdater: Sending Hash Response: value 1 success 1 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: END: Sending 5 Images bbupdater: Saving image to / mnt1 / usr / local / standalone / firmware / Baseband / Mav7Mav8 bbupdater: isInRegularBootMode: false bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing Initial stage bbupdater: Requested boot mode: kBBUBootModeNone bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts 5 ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: END: Preparing Initial stage bbupdater: handleFinalization in state first bbupdater: END: Perform stage at second send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host update_baseband: querying baseband info bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage first bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing first stage bbupdater: END: Preparing first stage bbupdater: Connecting to Loader ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Getting Version ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Loader version: PBL-DloadVER2.0 bbupdater: END: Querying info at stage first update_baseband: query returned<CFBasicHash 0x10402cde0 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 7, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x100333d60 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000006f20e13 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +7282913, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 1 : <CFString 0x1003340e0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000d3da57423 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3554301762, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 2 : <CFString 0x100334100 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "VendorID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 3 : <CFString 0x1003341a0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "FusingStatus"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 4 : <CFString 0x100333dc0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertHash"} =<CFData 0x1040295e0 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 32, capacity = 32, bytes = 0xd3da5742033972363a4c924d38ecceff ... 95fb2105b9f1ae18} 5 : <CFString 0x100333de0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "Nonce"} =<CFData 0x10402bf30 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x275c1084c00e6a028d30d161a31385320ff2cebc} 11 : <CFString 0x100333d40 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipSerialNo"} =<CFData 0x10402bad0 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 4, capacity = 4, bytes = 0x35704239} } update_baseband: requesting baseband firmware data update_baseband: received data from host (22457834 bytes) update_baseband: performing next update stage bbupdater: BEGIN: Perform stage at first bbupdater: isInRegularBootMode: true bbupdater: Loading ... bbupdater: 0x2a008400 of 0x2a0185b8 (33 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: 0x2a010800 of 0x2a0185b8 (67 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: 0x2a0185b8 of 0x2a0185b8 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Launching ... bbupdater: OK ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: END: Perform stage at first send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host update_baseband: querying baseband info bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage second bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing Second stage bbupdater: Re-configure transport for second stage. bbupdater: END: Preparing Second stage bbupdater: isInRegularBootMode: true bbupdater: Not in restore mode - skipping gathering Personalization parameters ... bbupdater: END: Querying info at stage second update_baseband: query returned<CFBasicHash 0x10402cde0 [0x100f2acd8]>{type = mutable dict, count = 7, entries => 0 : <CFString 0x100333d60 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000006f20e13 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +7282913, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 1 : <CFString 0x1003340e0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000d3da57423 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3554301762, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type} 2 : <CFString 0x100334100 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "VendorID"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 3 : <CFString 0x1003341a0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "FusingStatus"} =<CFNumber 0xb000000000000032 [0x100f2acd8]>{value = +3, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type} 4 : <CFString 0x100333dc0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "CertHash"} =<CFData 0x1040295e0 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 32, capacity = 32, bytes = 0xd3da5742033972363a4c924d38ecceff ... 95fb2105b9f1ae18} 5 : <CFString 0x100333de0 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "Nonce"} =<CFData 0x10402bf30 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x275c1084c00e6a028d30d161a31385320ff2cebc} 11 : <CFString 0x100333d40 [0x100f2acd8]>{contents = "ChipSerialNo"} =<CFData 0x10402bad0 [0x100f2acd8]>{length = 4, capacity = 4, bytes = 0x35704239} } update_baseband: requesting baseband firmware data update_baseband: received data from host (22457834 bytes) update_baseband: performing next update stage bbupdater: BEGIN: Perform stage at second bbupdater: Setting DIAG over HSIC? one bbupdater: BEGIN: Sending 5 Images bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModeMaverick bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModeMaverick bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Starting Maverick Protocol (handleMaverickGetNonce_nl) bbupdater: Baseband indicating EFS erase: no bbupdater: Setting HSIC cookie? one bbupdater: Sending Erase Response: Length 16 Type 161 Erase EFS 0 bbupdater: Checking Manifest Request: Length 72 Type 162 bbupdater: Sent Manifest with length 991 SHA256 9cd53f6cfb77a20afe5a6b379dc18b3ca183e7d62f89506d051aff4c84a8a5f9 bbupdater: Sending Hash Response: value 1 success 1 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Sending Image 'RPM' ... ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: 0x1a1f4 of 0x1a1f4 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Took 0.051537 seconds ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Sending Image 'SBL' ... ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 63.000000 bbupdater: 0x2da00 of 0x2da00 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Took 0.037373 seconds ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Sending Image 'DSP2' ... ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 bbupdater: 0xb8000 of 0x25b06b4 (1 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 bbupdater: 0xee000 of 0x25b06b4 (2 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 bbupdater: 0x202060 of 0x25b06b4 (5 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 64.000000 bbupdater: 0x302060 of 0x25b06b4 (7 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 65.000000 bbupdater: 0x402060 of 0x25b06b4 (10 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 65.000000 bbupdater: 0x502060 of 0x25b06b4 (13 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 66.000000 bbupdater: 0x59b060 of 0x25b06b4 (14 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 66.000000 bbupdater: 0x5f6060 of 0x25b06b4 (15 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 66.000000 bbupdater: 0x651060 of 0x25b06b4 (16 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 66.000000 bbupdater: 0x687060 of 0x25b06b4 (17 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 66.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 66.000000 bbupdater: 0x7a9630 of 0x25b06b4 (20 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 67.000000 bbupdater: 0x8a9630 of 0x25b06b4 (22 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 67.000000 bbupdater: 0x9a9630 of 0x25b06b4 (25 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 68.000000 bbupdater: 0xaa9630 of 0x25b06b4 (28 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 68.000000 bbupdater: 0xba9630 of 0x25b06b4 (30 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 68.000000 bbupdater: 0xca9630 of 0x25b06b4 (33 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 69.000000 bbupdater: 0xda9630 of 0x25b06b4 (36 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 70.000000 bbupdater: 0xe42630 of 0x25b06b4 (37 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 70.000000 bbupdater: 0xe9d630 of 0x25b06b4 (38 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 70.000000 bbupdater: 0xef8630 of 0x25b06b4 (39 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 70.000000 bbupdater: 0xf2e630 of 0x25b06b4 (40 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 70.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 70.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 70.000000 bbupdater: 0x1066000 of 0x25b06b4 (43 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 71.000000 bbupdater: 0x1166000 of 0x25b06b4 (46 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 71.000000 bbupdater: 0x1266000 of 0x25b06b4 (48 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 72.000000 bbupdater: 0x1366000 of 0x25b06b4 (51 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 72.000000 bbupdater: 0x1466000 of 0x25b06b4 (54 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 72.000000 bbupdater: 0x1566000 of 0x25b06b4 (56 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 73.000000 bbupdater: 0x1666000 of 0x25b06b4 (59 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 73.000000 bbupdater: 0x1766000 of 0x25b06b4 (62 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 74.000000 bbupdater: 0x1866000 of 0x25b06b4 (64 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 74.000000 bbupdater: 0x1966000 of 0x25b06b4 (67 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 75.000000 bbupdater: 0x1a66000 of 0x25b06b4 (70 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 75.000000 bbupdater: 0x1b66000 of 0x25b06b4 (72 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 75.000000 bbupdater: 0x1c66000 of 0x25b06b4 (75 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 76.000000 bbupdater: 0x1cff000 of 0x25b06b4 (76 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 76.000000 bbupdater: 0x1d5a000 of 0x25b06b4 (77 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 76.000000 bbupdater: 0x1d90000 of 0x25b06b4 (78 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 76.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 76.000000 bbupdater: 0x1dd61f0 of 0x25b06b4 (79 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 77.000000 bbupdater: 0x1ed7000 of 0x25b06b4 (81 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 77.000000 bbupdater: 0x1fd7000 of 0x25b06b4 (84 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 77.000000 bbupdater: 0x20d7000 of 0x25b06b4 (87 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 78.000000 bbupdater: 0x21d7000 of 0x25b06b4 (89 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 78.000000 bbupdater: 0x22d7000 of 0x25b06b4 (92 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 79.000000 bbupdater: 0x2370000 of 0x25b06b4 (94 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 79.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 79.000000 bbupdater: 0x2426000 of 0x25b06b4 (95 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 bbupdater: 0x245c000 of 0x25b06b4 (96 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 bbupdater: 0x24de000 of 0x25b06b4 (97 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 bbupdater: 0x2539000 of 0x25b06b4 (98 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 bbupdater: 0x256f000 of 0x25b06b4 (99 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 bbupdater: 0x25b06b4 of 0x25b06b4 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Took 2.929215 seconds ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Sending Image 'DSP3' ... ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 80.000000 bbupdater: 0x102000 of 0x682a40 (15 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 83.000000 bbupdater: 0x202000 of 0x682a40 (30 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 85.000000 bbupdater: 0x29b000 of 0x682a40 (40 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 87.000000 bbupdater: 0x2f6000 of 0x682a40 (45 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 87.000000 bbupdater: 0x32c000 of 0x682a40 (48 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 88.000000 bbupdater: 0x362000 of 0x682a40 (51 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 88.000000 bbupdater: 0x3853b0 of 0x682a40 (54 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 89.000000 bbupdater: 0x3e1000 of 0x682a40 (59 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 90.000000 bbupdater: 0x417000 of 0x682a40 (62 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 91.000000 bbupdater: 0x44d000 of 0x682a40 (66 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 91.000000 bbupdater: 0x46e046 of 0x682a40 (68 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 91.000000 bbupdater: 0x493768 of 0x682a40 (70 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 92.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 92.000000 bbupdater: 0x52f640 of 0x682a40 (79 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 93.000000 bbupdater: 0x5c8640 of 0x682a40 (88 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 95.000000 bbupdater: 0x623640 of 0x682a40 (94 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 96.000000 bbupdater: 0x659640 of 0x682a40 (97 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 96.000000 bbupdater: 0x682a40 of 0x682a40 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Took 0.551857 seconds ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModePending bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Sending Image 'DSP1' ... ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x9c000 of 0x34c118 (18 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0xf7000 of 0x34c118 (29 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x12d000 of 0x34c118 (35 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x163000 of 0x34c118 (42 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x1c1000 of 0x34c118 (53 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x1f7000 of 0x34c118 (59 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x22d000 of 0x34c118 (65 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x24c434 of 0x34c118 (69 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x283000 of 0x34c118 (76 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x29e154 of 0x34c118 (79 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x2a5e70 of 0x34c118 (80 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x2b964f of 0x34c118 (82 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x2da75c of 0x34c118 (86 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x2fc16c of 0x34c118 (90 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x304a34 of 0x34c118 (91 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x309cb0 of 0x34c118 (92 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x312de0 of 0x34c118 (93 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x3265e8 of 0x34c118 (95 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x3337ec of 0x34c118 (97 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x34c118 of 0x34c118 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Took 0.404097 seconds ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Waiting for Hello ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Hello received boot mode: ETLSAHModeComplete bbupdater: Hello response boot mode: ETLSAHModeComplete bbupdater: Hello reserved fields: 030000000500000003 bbupdater: SPI NOR vendor 3 Sahara version 5 ProductID 3 bbupdater: Sending Image 'Apps' ... ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x38000 of 0x20bdd0 (10 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x54ec4 of 0x20bdd0 (16 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x5a000 of 0x20bdd0 (17 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0xf4000 of 0x20bdd0 (46 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x14f000 of 0x20bdd0 (63 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x185000 of 0x20bdd0 (74 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x1b7000 of 0x20bdd0 (83 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x1bc000 of 0x20bdd0 (84 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x1d13a0 of 0x20bdd0 (88 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x1d5000 of 0x20bdd0 (89 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x1e0a84 of 0x20bdd0 (91 percent) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 97.000000 bbupdater: 0x20bdd0 of 0x20bdd0 (100 percent) bbupdater: bbupdater: Took 0.236644 seconds ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 98.000000 bbupdater: Disconnecting ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: END: Sending 5 Images bbupdater: Waiting 0 seconds ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: isInRegularBootMode: true bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing Initial stage bbupdater: Requested boot mode: kBBUBootModeNone bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts 3 ... bbupdater: OK bbupdater: Modem booted bbupdater: Firmware version: Mav7Mav8-08.30.01 bbupdater: Ping success bbupdater: END: Preparing Initial stage bbupdater: Restoring NV items to Shipping defaults bbupdater: IMEI-SVN Check and Update ... bbupdater: handleFinalization in state booted bbupdater: Getting manifest status from BB bbupdater: Getting manifest information from BB bbupdater: Manifest status: provision_status: 0 fatp_cal_status: 6 calibration_status: 6 bbupdater: skey_hash [0x00]: ecc404532bf31b88238d973b2ac34d01 bbupdater: skey_hash [0x10]: 54d2f20e bbupdater: ckey_hash: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 bbupdater: mature bbupdater: Powering off baseband bbupdater: END: Perform stage at second send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host update_baseband: success update_baseband: calling CFNotificationCenterRemoveEveryObserver [23: 15: 41.0332-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1303] update_baseband restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0339-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1304] update_stockholm restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031304: 62} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031304: update_stockholm} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering update_stockholm ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 98.000000 [23: 15: 41.0349-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1304] update_stockholm restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0357-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1305] update_swdhid restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031305: 63} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031305: update_swdhid} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering update_swdhid could not find matching services [23: 15: 41.0393-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1305] update_swdhid restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0401-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1306] update_tcon restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031306: 64} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031306: update_tcon} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering update_TCON tconctl not found [23: 15: 41.0411-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1306] update_tcon restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0419-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1307] update_orion restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031307: 65} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031307: update_orion} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering update_orion AppleOrionMCU service not found [23: 15: 41.0430-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1307] update_orion restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0436-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1308] update_madea restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031308: 66} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031308: update_madea} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering update_madea update_madea: AppleMCDP29XXGPIO service not found [23: 15: 41.0443-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1308] update_madea restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0448-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x1309] update_se restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x11031309: 67} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x11031309: update_se} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering update_se No Stockholm present on device, skipping SE update [23: 15: 41.0455-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x1309] update_se restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0461-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x130A] install_fud restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x1103130A: 68} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x1103130A: install_fud} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering install_fud install_fud: Host returned empty FUD dictionary, nothing to do. [23: 15: 41.0470-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x130A] install_fud restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0476-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x130B] update_usbc restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x1103130B: 69} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x1103130B: update_usbc} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering update_usbc No valid USB-C device found. Skipping updater. [23: 15: 41.0491-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x130B] update_usbc restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0497-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: FIRMWARE: [0x130C] update_aht restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57; 0x1103130C: 70} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware; 0x1103130C: update_aht} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 update_aht: entering update_aht [23: 15: 41.0511-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: FIRMWARE: [0x130C] update_aht restore-step-ids = {0x11030635: 57} restore-step-names = {0x11030635: update_device_firmware} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0517-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0635] update_device_firmware restore-step-ids = {} restore-step-names = {} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0522-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x064D] check_mounted restore-step-ids = {0x1103064D: 71} restore-step-names = {0x1103064D: check_mounted} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 41.0527-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: MOUNTED: [0x0F00] fixup_var restore-step-ids = {0x1103064D: 71; 0x11030F00: 72} restore-step-names = {0x1103064D: check_mounted; 0x11030F00: fixup_var} restore-step-uptime = 217 restore-step-user-progress = 98 entering fixup_var operation 55 completed at progress 0 (bug?) ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 98.000000 entering update_var_directory_hierarchy creating directory (owner = 64 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / Keychains creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / Managed Preferences creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / Managed Preferences / mobile creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / MobileAsset creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / MobileAsset / PreinstalledAssets creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / MobileDevice creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / MobileDevice / ProvisioningProfiles creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / audit creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / db creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40777) / mnt2 / db / UpdateMetrics creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / db / astris creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) /mnt2/db/ creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) /mnt2/db/ creating directory (owner = 257 group = 257 mode = 40711) / mnt2 / db / datadetectors creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40750) / mnt2 / db / diagnostics creating directory (owner = 254 group = 254 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / db / findmydevice creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / db / lsd creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / db / ondemand creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / db / systemstats creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / db / timezone creating directory (owner = 0 group = 3 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / empty creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / folders creating directory (owner = 33 group = 33 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / installd creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / log creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / log / asl creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) /mnt2/log/ creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / log / ppp creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / logs creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / logs / Baseband creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / logs / mediaserverd creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40711) / mnt2 / mobile creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Applications creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40711) / mnt2 / mobile / Library creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / AddressBook creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Application Support creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Caches creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Cookies creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / ExternalAccessory creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Inboxes creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Keyboard creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Logs creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Logs / CrashReporter creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Logs / CrashReporter / DiagnosticLogs creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) /mnt2/mobile/Library/Logs/ creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Preferences creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / Safari creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / WebClips creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40700) / mnt2 / mobile / Library / WebKit creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40750) / mnt2 / mobile / Media creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40750) / mnt2 / mobile / Media / DCIM creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40750) / mnt2 / mobile / Media / PhotoData creating directory (owner = 501 group = 501 mode = 40750) / mnt2 / mobile / Media / Photos creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / msgs creating directory (owner = 24 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / networkd creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / preferences creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / preferences / Logging creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / preferences / Logging / Events creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / preferences / Logging / Processes creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / preferences / Logging / Subsystems creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / root creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / root / Library creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / root / Library / Preferences creating directory (owner = 0 group = 1 mode = 40775) / mnt2 / run creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 41777) / mnt2 / tmp creating directory (owner = 0 group = 0 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / vm creating directory (owner = 25 group = 25 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / wireless creating directory (owner = 25 group = 25 mode = 40755) / mnt2 / wireless / Library entering create_system_key_bag ramrod_display_set_granular_progress: 98.000000 creating class d key for / mnt2 attempting to create system key bag on / mnt2 store_binary_dict: Could not create /mnt2/keybags/systembag.kb.writing: Operation not permitted _MKBKeyBagCreateSystem: Can't save the bag: -1 key bag creation failed: -1 [23: 15: 42.0143-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT FAILURE: (FAILURE: 6) MOUNTED: [0x0F00] fixup_var [0] D (failed to fixup var) restore-step-results = {0x11070F00: {0: 6}} restore-step-codes = {0x11070F00: {0: 6}} restore-step-domains = {0x11070F00: {0: "AMRestoreErrorDomain"}} restore-step-error = {0x11070F00: "[0] D (failed to fixup var)"} restore-step-uptime = 218 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 42.0153-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT NOTICE: (NVRAM set) restore-step-user-progress = 98 [sync = true] (first failure) [23: 15: 42.0155-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT FAILURE: (FAILURE: 6) RESTORED: [0x064D] check_mounted [0] D (failed to fixup var) restore-step-results = {0x1107064D: {0: 6}; 0x11070F00: {0: 6}} restore-step-codes = {0x1107064D: {0: 6}; 0x11070F00: {0: 6}} restore-step-domains = {0x1107064D: {0: "AMRestoreErrorDomain"}; 0x11070F00: {0: "AMRestoreErrorDomain"}} restore-step-error = {0x1107064D: "[0] D (failed to fixup var)"} restore-step-uptime = 218 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 42.0164-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0647] cleanup_check_result restore-step-ids = {0x1103064D: 71; 0x11030F00: 72; 0x11030647: 73} restore-step-names = {0x1103064D: check_mounted; 0x11030F00: fixup_var; 0x11030647: cleanup_check_result} restore-step-uptime = 218 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 42.0171-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT END: RESTORED: [0x0647] cleanup_check_result restore-step-ids = {0x1103064D: 71; 0x11030F00: 72} restore-step-names = {0x1103064D: check_mounted; 0x11030F00: fixup_var} restore-step-uptime = 218 restore-step-user-progress = 98 [23: 15: 42.0178-GMT] {5>7} CHECKPOINT BEGIN: RESTORED: [0x0648] cleanup_send_final_status restore-step-ids = {0x1103064D: 71; 0x11030F00: 72; 0x11030648: 74} restore-step-names = {0x1103064D: check_mounted; 0x11030F00: fixup_var; 0x11030648: cleanup_send_final_status} restore-step-uptime = 218 restore-step-user-progress = 98 ERROR: Unable to successfully restore device [Error] ERROR: Unable to restore device Done: restoring failed. Failed with errorcode = -11 -------------------- dd zero device/bootloader download |
Message#60 ![]() | |
Man from Cupertino ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Messages 2509 Check in: 31.07.12 Apple iPhone 5s Reputation: ![]() ![]() | ![]() APTicket corresponds, it was you who made a mistake - with an invalid APTicket, you wouldn’t need to go around at all. You gave SEP from firmware 11.2.x, and not from 10.3.3, which ruined your device, everything is detailed and clearly written in the header. If you have an iPhone 5S device (iPhone6.1, iPhone6.2), iPad Air (iPad4.1, iPad4.2, iPad4.3), iPad mini 2 (iPad4.4, iPad4.5, iPad4.6) ->Apple signs iOS 10.3.3 (OTA) for A7 (processor) - these devices came out with iOS 7.x.x For these devices, you can use SEP from iOS 10.3.3, if you need a rollback within iOS 8.x.x, 9.x.x -> 10.2 <-> 10.3.3, 11.1.2 -> 10.2 <->10.3.3 and special ->BuildManifest. Now only the latest firmware (11.2, 11.2.1), here nothing else can help you. Next time be more attentive. All information about jailbreak 11.2.x + can be found here:News and rumors on firmware, jailbreak and rollback. Good all the time of day. There are iPhone 5s, iOS 9.2.1 with a jail. There is shsh2 from 11.1.2. But the snag is that I can not make a patch nvram, writes that there is no tfp0 patch. Found this info: But I don’t know how to apply it. If anyone came across how to deal with it, help me pliz. Just usePhoenixnonceIt works by analogy with v0rtexnonce, described in the header. Post has been editedT0ugh - 08.01.18, 18:29 Reason for editing: Removed overclocking -------------------- In QMS I do not help, I do not advise! |
Message#61 ![]() | |
Visitor ![]() ![]() [offline] Group: Active users Messages 15 Check in: 28.02.12 Apple iPhone SE Reputation: ![]() ![]() | read, read, but did not understand. Suppose there are two devices, they have the same shsh2 at 10.3.3 and 11.0, saved via Which version can I roll back on the device from 11.1.2 without the Jail and on the device from 10.2 with the Jail (11.2-11.2.2 subscribe to both devices) |
mobile version | Now: 06.22.19, 03:49 |