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> OdysseusOTA | Downgrade iPhone 4S, 5, iPad 2 to iOS 6.1.3 / 8.4.1
29.06.15, 13:45

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 3410
Check in: 01.05.12
Apple iPhone SE

Reputation:-  1081  +

Only iPhone (4S, 5), iPad 2 support!
You can only roll back to iOS 6.1.3 / 8.4.1, exclusivelywith jailbreakon the device!

Supported devices / models for rollback to iOS 6.1.3:

������→ iPhone 4S:
������iPhone4.1 (A1387, A1431)
������→ iPad 2:
������iPad2.1 (Wi-Fi) (A1395)
������iPad2.2 (GSM) (A1396)
������iPad2.3 (CDMA) (A1397)
������iPad2.4 (Rev A, 2012) (A1395) not supported!

Supported devices / models for rollback to iOS 8.4.1:

������→ iPhone 5 :
������iPhone5.1 (A1428)
������iPhone5.2 (A1429, A1442)

What is necessary:
  • Jailbreak
  • Mac OS or Linux
  • IOS 6.1.3 / 8.4.1 firmware file for your model
Video instruction in English (6.1.3)(YouTube)
Video instruction in English (8.4.1)(YouTube)

  • Prepare a PC with Linux or Mac OS
  • Install Jailbreak -> [FAQ] Guide to instructions for jailbreaking
  • Download firmware ->IOS firmware| Custom firmware for rollbackiPhone 4S / iPad 2
  • Download archive:Attached fileodysseusOTA-v2.3.zip(1.67 MB)
    Attached fileodysseusOTA2-v1.0.2.zip(1.45 MB)

  • Open terminal and enter commands:
    cd ~ directory where the folder you downloaded above is located
    cd macos (or linux)
    ./ipsw ~ directory where the firmware file is located custom_downgrade.ipsw -bbupdate

  • Do not close the terminal
  • Next install on the device tweakOpenssh and enter commands:
    ./idevicerestore -t custom_downgrade.ipsw
    ./xpwntool `unzip -j custom_downgrade.ipsw 'Firmware / dfu / iBSS *' | awk '/ inflating / {print $ 2}' `pwnediBSS (this is all one command)

  • After that, go to the WiFi settings on the device and remember the IP address of the device itself and enter the commands:
    scp pwnediBSS ../kloader root @ YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:
    Next, enter yes
    Enter password alpine
    ssh root @ YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
    Enter password alpine
    ./kloader pwnediBSS

  • The device screen will turn black. Open a new tab in the terminal and close the first tab, then enter the following line:
    ./idevicerestore -w ./custom_downgrade.ipsw

Done! IOS 6.1.3 is installed on your device!Attention, the author of the method is not me, the original is here: https://tim4ous.com/ka...na-iphone-4s-i-ipad-2/

Utility author:
The flash device should not just be on the same wifi subnet from the PC, but if the PC is connected via a router, then it should be accessible from the PC to the flash device (checked by ping).

If you encounter this errorLibrary not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libirecovery.2.dylib Referenced from: / Users / "username" / Desktop / odysseusOTA / macos /./ idevicerestore Reason: image not found then you need to open the terminal again (from scratch) and enter the following commands:
sudo chown -R `whoami` / usr / local (can ask for a user password)

Next, install Homebrew by running this command:
curl -L github.com/mxcl/homebrew/tarball/master | tar xz --strip 1 -C / usr / local

Now most important, enter this command:
brew install libpng (if the terminal gives an error, then type brew install libpng --universal)

After the done actions, you can read the process of downgrade again.
Past versions

UPD Rollback on iOS 6.1.3 for iPhone 4S with iOS (9.1 - 9.3.5), iPad 2 with iOS (9.1 - 9.3.5)
UPD1 How to roll back 4S with iOS 8.3 under Windows
UPD2 Another instruction: OdysseusOTA (Post brend444 # 41199161)
UPD3 Beehind - utility for rollback iPhone 4S / iPad 2
Rollback for iPad2OdysseusOTA (Post bobox2000 # 41297428)
IPad2 FirmwareOdysseusOTA (Post AntiBillOS # 41441932)
iOS Downgrade Tool - utility for rolling back iOS firmware for Windows / Linux
utility fromamonraaa3 which does everything automatically.
• The usefulness of the post is determined by users: clickPictureto add information to the header;
• Periodically, the topic is cleared "under the root": useless messages are deleted at a time.
• Dear users! Here we discuss only the rollback of firmware for iPhone 4S and iPad 2. Discussion of the work of firmware, jailbreak, etc. is a deviation from the topic, which is a violationForum Rules. Please do not flood and offtopic.

According to user statistics, downgrade is possible iPhone 4S, released before November 2014. How to determine the release date for a 12-digit serial number.

Post has been editedGod_danych - 04.02.18, 14:35
Reason for editing: corrected syl
29.06.15, 11:08

Group: Users
Messages 10
Check in: 05.12.12
Apple iPhone 4

Reputation:-  0  +

Downgrade Iphone 4s and Ipad 2 to iOS 6.1.3

Works on Mac OS and Linux.

Video instruction

Download V1.0.1

List of commands in readme.txt !!!
29.06.15, 12:39

Group: Active users
Messages 32
Check in: 11.06.14
Xiaomi Redmi 3X

Reputation:-  5  +

At once I will say that the utility is, well, very raw - only a few managed to roll back normally. Personally, I’ll say that I managed to create a custom .ipsw, but problems arose with SHSH, although there is a fix for this problem, but only for macOS (I have linux running from under virtualka). did downgrade, then please write a guide, well, or adaptationgivenlinux instructions

By the way, here are the helpful links:Twitter creator(mostly here and there is a new info about the utility) |The main thread on Reddite|Instructions in Russian
29.06.15, 13:07

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 264
Check in: 28.11.14
Apple iPhone X

Reputation:-  2  +

Oh my God. It is finished !!!
1) do i need shsh?
2) will there be a rollback tied? (That is, will it need to be connected to the PC each time it is rebooted)
3) firmware 6.1.3 itself, if successful, will it be clean, without Jeil? That is, will it be as if the phone was restored through tuna?
In general, we are waiting for Windows
29.06.15, 13:35

Group: Active users
Messages 32
Check in: 11.06.14
Xiaomi Redmi 3X

Reputation:-  5  +

* Regled,
1) No, not needed. As I understand it, the software emulates the update on the OTA, and the e-mail is still signed by this update.
2) No
3) Yes, the firmware is clean, although the author in the video said that the jailbreak should be in the utility, but it does not work (but in any case, you can roll it yourself)
29.06.15, 18:06

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 124
Check in: 07.12.08

Reputation:-  20  +

Who under OS X error
Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libirecovery.2.dylib Referenced from: / Users / "user name" / Desktop / odysseusOTA / macos /./ idevicerestore Reason: image not found

do this:
1) Delete the idevicerestore from the folder
2) Install the brew command in the terminal
ruby -e "$ (curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

3) create the fix_library.sh file and copy it into it:
#! / bin / bash

brew install usbmuxd automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libpip libzip openssl
mkdir idevicerestore_build && cd idevicerestore_build
git clone https://github.com/xerub/libirecovery.git && cd ./libirecovery && bash autogen.sh && make install
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libusbmuxd.git && cd ./libusbmuxd && bash autogen.sh && make install
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice.git && cd ./libimobiledevice && bash ./autogen.sh && make install
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/xerub/idevicerestore.git && cd ./idevicerestore && bash autogen.sh && make install

4) run the newly created script and wait until everything is executed
5) instead of

now you need to write


I just rolled back 4S from 8.3 to 6.1.3, everything works: D
30.06.15, 14:32

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 571
Check in: 21.01.08

Reputation:-  112  +

How to roll back 4S with iOS 8.3 under Windows

How to roll back 4S under Windows from iOS 8.3 (and any other, for which there is a jail) to iOS 6.1.3. Tested on Windows 8.1 x64 and my iPhone 4S, downgrade from 8.3 to 6.1.3 was successful.

1. All actions at your own risk! If for some reason the downgrade fails and you find yourself at 8.3 - you will have to try again.
2. When 8.3 cease to sign, in case of a downgrade error, you will find yourself without a jailbreak! Be careful.

Need for work:
1) Jailbreak
2) Installed OpenSSL package for Windows -http://slproweb.com/do...in32OpenSSL-1_0_2c.exe
3) Archive with utilities and ready custom firmware -https://mega.co.nz/#!W…l2dbAzC8FTzGOQzSEaon9U
4) SHSH and other garbage are not needed - they are downloaded from the Apple server automatically during the process. You need an internet connection during the firmware.

How to downgrade:
1. Open Cydia, add repositories:
http://apt.taig.com(for 8.1.3-8.3)
2. Install MobileTerminal (for 8.3 - from angelxwind repo, for other versions - from anywhere, just to start), TaiG AFC2 (only for 8.1.3-8.3), for 8.1 and below - Apple File Conduit 2, reboot the phone
3. In any available way, copy the kloader and pwnediBSS files to the root directory of the device / in the item 3 above (in principle, it is not so important where to copy, the main thing is to find them on the device). I did through iTools.
4. On the device, open the newly installed Mobile Terminal, go to the directory with the files that we threw on the device, in the case of / it will be like this:
cd ..
cd ..

and recruit
(further ask for password, default password alpine)
chmod + x kloader
./kloader pwnediBSS

After that, the device should enter the mode resembling DFU.
5. We take out the device from the USB and stick it again
6. Unpack the libimobiledevice folder from the archive in p.3 on the computer
7. Open the command line in this folder and type
idevicerestore -e custom.ipsw

8. We are waiting and do not touch anything
If everything worked out, the device will be flashed on iOS 6.1.3.
In a hat

Post has been editeddirectorgeneral - 30.06.15, 16:23

01.07.15, 03:36

Group: Active users
Messages 28
Check in: 01.07.15

Reputation:-  15  +

Super Detailed Rollback Instructions
1) Install a jailbreak on the iPhone according to the instructionsJailbreak iOS 8.x.xThere is also information about possible errors.
2) Install the OpenSSL package for WindowsWin32OpenSSL-1_0_2d.exe
3) Download the archive with ready-made utilities and custom firmwareOdysseusOTA (Post kron4ek # 41532921)(again for the computer)
4) Open the installed Cydia on the iPhone and wait for the preparation of the system. Go to the "sources" tab and add 2 repositories
http://apt.taig.com(needed for iOS 8.1 - 8.3)
5) Install MobileTerminal from the added repo angelxwind
6) Install TaiG AFC2 from the Chinese repo, restart the phone upon request.
7) Install iTools for windowshttp://rainbowsky.ru/random/itools/
8) Open the aytuls and connect the phone to the computer via usb. In the program, select the item File Explorer. We also open the folder from step 3 and copy the kloader and pwnediBSS files to the Prison Break System directory on the phone.
9) Open Mobile Terminal on your phone and start typing commands:
cd ..
ENTER (press on the keyboard)
cd ..
alpine (at this point, what you are typing will not be displayed on the screen, as this is a password. Be careful)
chmod + x kloader
./kloader pwnediBSS
10) After that, the device should fall into the dfu (go out). We take out the cable from the device and immediately insert it again.
11) Go to the libimobiledevice folder from item 3 and type in the address bar of the folder
idevicerestore -e custom.ipsw
12) The Windows terminal will start and the rollback process will begin. Just waiting and not touching anything.
13) ???

Post has been editedT0ugh - 19.09.15, 14:20
01.07.15, 13:40

Group: Moderators
Messages 5481
Check in: 20.10.09
Apple iPhone 5

Reputation:-  1390  +

Beehind v.0.5 (BETA)

Attached Image

Support is planned:
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 5C
- iPad 3
- iPad 4
- iPad Mini 1
- iPod touch 4G
- iPod touch 5G


So far, only iPhone 4S / iPad 2
Download: Attached filebeehindBETA_v0.5-1f02db583f13e8b103dfd7e50ff95ca1d356225a.zip(22.79 MB)
Older versions

Post has been editedT0ugh - 18.01.17, 21:41
Reason for editing: beehindBETA_v0.5

05.07.15, 14:14

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 51
Check in: 20.11.12
ZTE Nubia Z7 mini

Reputation:-  5  +

For iPad2.2 (GSM)


Everything else for sewing under Windows here is in the cap, vrodeb.
05.07.15, 14:36

Group: Active users
Messages 18
Check in: 01.07.15
Apple iPad 2

Reputation:-  0  +

and how did you do? (I just got confused at all (
05.07.15, 14:40

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 72
Check in: 29.06.14
Apple iPad 4

Reputation:-  2  +

* Egorka_La_Porka,
Here for ipad 2.2

1) Install jailbreak on ipad according to the instructions.http: //www.apple-iphon…ak-sdelat-jheylbrey ..There is also information about possible errors.
2) Install the OpenSSL package for Windowshttp: //www.savagemessiahzine.com/pages/g…/slproweb.com/downlo ..
3) Download archive with ready utilitieshttps: //www.dropbox.co…rgf/ipad2%2C2.zip? dl = 0(again for the computer) And customhttps://yadi.sk/d/nsGV_gJ0hg8Df
4) Open the installed Cydia on ipad and wait for the preparation of the system. Go to the "sources" tab and add 2 repositories
http://apt.taig.com(needed for iOS 8.1 - 8.3)
5) Install MobileTerminal from the added repo angelxwind
6) Install TaiG AFC2 from the Chinese repo, restart the ipad upon request.
7) Install iTools for windowshttp://rainbowsky.ru/random/itools/
8) Open the aytuls and connect the ipad to the computer via usb. In the program, select the item File Explorer. Also open the folder from step 3 and copy the kloader and pwnediBSS files to the Prison Break System directory on the ipad.
9) Open Mobile Terminal on your phone and start typing commands:
cd ..
ENTER (press on the keyboard)
cd ..
alpine (at this point, what you are typing will not be displayed on the screen, as this is a password. Be careful)
chmod + x kloader
./kloader pwnediBSS
10) After that, the device should fall into the dfu (go out). We take out the cable from the device and immediately insert it again.
11) Go to the libimobiledevice folder from item 3 and type in the address bar of the folder
idevicerestore -e custom.ipsw
12) The Windows terminal will start and the rollback process will begin. Just waiting and not touching anything.

Post has been editedleonidboy - 05.07.15, 21:16
07.07.15, 09:52

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 51
Check in: 20.11.12
ZTE Nubia Z7 mini

Reputation:-  5  +

Blyer @ 07/06/2015, 10:07 PM*
at least kill me, I don’t understand what files I need, I have an ipad 2 16gb wifi

Files from here:OdysseusOTA

Only the firmware and pwnediBSS should be replaced with these:

Firmware custom.ipsw and pwnediBSS for iPad2,1

Download here:https://yadi.sk/d/JkNQzCX6hgE6i

Post has been editeddirectorgeneral - 11.07.15, 09:14
08.07.15, 11:56

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2535
Check in: 20.12.13
Apple iPhone 7

Reputation:-  424  +

* 5630d1,
No, they have repeatedly said this in the subject ..

And yes, firmware 8.3 no longer subscribes. Be careful.

Video rollback from under Windows -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fsuz-OYBmeg- in the cap would ...

Post has been editedTolbas - 08.07.15, 11:59

Apple iPhone 7 11.3 Apple Watch Series 1 (42mm) watchOS 4.3.1
09.07.15, 13:46

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 660
Check in: 30.04.11
Xiaomi Redmi Note 2

Reputation:-  112  +

Instructions for firmware ipad2.1, so that fewer questions are:
1. Install firmware version 8, with ios7 problems.
2.Download firmware (custom.ipsw) and pwnediBSS for ipad2.1OdysseusOTA
3. Follow the instructions for WindowsOdysseusOTA (Fasting Pikranus # 41183796),
replacing files for 4s from the downloaded archive (point 3 in the instructions) with your own.
4. Enjoy.
P.S. The problem may be with openSSL for x64 systems. Downloading 32 bit, verified.
Pss For ipad2.2 files in the headerOdysseusOTA (Post bobox2000 # 41297428)

Post has been editedroman_ishchenko - 09.07.15, 14:55

09.07.15, 18:00

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 97
Check in: 06.01.12
Pocophone F1 6/128

Reputation:-  9  +

Did byVideo instruction in English (YouTube)that in the cap. Files took everything from there. Everything turned out the first time.
iPhone 4S 16Gb. Windows x64 8.1

Post has been editedbegemo3 - 09.07.15, 18:01

Siemens A40 ->M35 ->C45 ->C55 ->Nokia 5100 -> 5140 -> 5500 ->Siemens SX1 ->Benq Siemens - EF81 ->SE W810i ->Nokia E71 ->Samsung Galaxy Note 1 ->iPhone 4S ->Samsung Galaxy S5 ->Samsung Galaxy Note 3 ->iPhone 5 ->iPhone 5S ->Xiaomi Mi5 ->iPhone 8 ->Pocophone F1
09.07.15, 18:09

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 120
Check in: 10.10.12

Reputation:-  8  +

https://yadi.sk/d/QP0MDAaxhmX8i+ firmware! Did on Mas!

Posted on 07/09/2015, 18:09:

https://yadi.sk/d/QP0MDAaxhmX8i+ firmware! Did on Mas!

iPhone 5-iOS-6.1.4 & 4S-iOS-6.1.3; iPad 3 -iOS-7.1.2; MBP-2011-OS X-10.7.5; Lenovo S960 (indulge)
09.07.15, 18:39
Old resident

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 961
Check in: 18.03.12
Apple iPad 4

Reputation:-  37  +

* kusla
is it for 4c?

iPad 4 32Gb (10.2), iPad Air 16Gb (8.4)
iPhone 5S 16gb (

9.3.5 download

09.07.15, 18:48

Group: Friendswww.savagemessiahzine.com
Messages 2535
Check in: 20.12.13
Apple iPhone 7

Reputation:-  424  +

* Leonid_Tver,
This is for 4s, but for installation on Mas, and is it suitable for Windows - xs ...

Apple iPhone 7 11.3 Apple Watch Series 1 (42mm) watchOS 4.3.1
09.07.15, 18:48

Group: Users
Messages 13
Check in: 03.07.15
Apple iPhone 4S

Reputation:-  0  +

Vlad_1234567890 @ 07/09/2015 13:45*
I tried to roll out iPad 2.2 with iOS 8.2, it didn't work out. And from 8.4 everything is ok.

Ipad 2.2 rolled back with Ios 8.2 on board the first time (MACOS)

Guys help, gives an error, the serial number is not defined, in this thread they already asked a similar question.
Iphone 4s 8Gb purchased in early 2015 with an already installed 8.x.
I tried through Os X and Windows with different OdysseusOta (versions 1 and 2), everything passes but after the last command gives an error.
Need expert help.

P.S. By the way, after entering the command ./idevicerestore -t custom_downgrade.ipsw I have one keyboard off? Ooh

Post has been editedmakkinzi - 09.07.15, 18:58
09.07.15, 22:32
a guest

Group: Users
Messages 9
Check in: 14.02.13
Apple iPad 3 Wi-Fi

Reputation:-  0  +

Colleagues! Is there a chance to find a bundle for iPad 3.3 on iOS 6.1.2? SHSH only from 6.1 and 6.1.2 preserved

99 pagesV  1 2 3 4 5 6 > » 

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