Firmware Recovery in Flash MP3 Players | Instruction for action

Rep: (14)
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Recovery firmware in Flash MP3 players.

Flash mp3 players fail even during normal operations, and even more so there is a great chance to mess up the device with the firmware. Here is a way to restore player software at home. Recovery will take you on the strength of half an hour.

As an example, take the player RoverMedia DP300Fm built on the basis of the SigmaTel 3500 chip. The player was successfully killed during the firmware process.

Attached Image

If the player is recognized by the computer.
1. If the player is recognized by a computer, then connect the player with the play button held down and reflash with the firmware that came with the player on the disk, or download from the manufacturer’s website.

If the player is not recognized by the computer.
1. Disassemble the player. We need to get to the memory chips. If the body of the player is assembled on snaps, I advise you to take a plastic bank card or any other.

2. We look at the marking of the memory chip, they look like on the image. These are mainly chips manufactured by Samsung, Nec, Hynix. In this case, the memory of Samsung 543 K9K4G08UOM.

Attached Image

3. We are looking for information on the chip (DataSheet)

4. Using the document downloaded fromhttp://www.datasheetcatalog.comWe find the legs on the chip labeled IO1, IO2, IO3, etc.

5. Now you need to close two any IO legs and connect the player to the computer, it may not work the first time. This can be done, as I did, with a needle.

Attached Image

6. If you successfully closed the legs, the computer should notify you that a new MP3 Recovery Device has been found, the driver to which you can find on the disk that came with the player. If there was no disk in the kit, try those that are in the attachment.

7. Flash the player according to the instructions.

Attached files

Attached fileStMp3Rec.rar(21.77 KB)

Post has been editedmihadom - 12.01.18, 11:42
Reason for editing: image under spoiler

Rep: (1)
I player dex mpx-202 1gb screen hourglass.
chip acu 7515
memory samsung k8g8g08u0m
radio tea 5767
As you remove the firmware from your player, or where to find?

Rep: (17)
I try to flash player clatronic mms728? but when connecting sigmatelovskaya utility gives the following is the reason that I'm not trying to fill in the firmware or something? firmware found on what the Polish site, because more is nowhere.

Rep: (6)
Put it in the radio, he worked, but the car has not been wound up, the batteries in the player was half without turning off the player, I turned the ignition key and the car started up, radio at the same time naturally restart, but the player refused to work at all. Cassette recorder recognizes it writes 19 mistake, but it is not included, insert it into your computer if only henna ... In general, do not respond ... Help plz) (Sony NWZ-B162F)

Rep: (20)
iriver e100
After the closure of the screen lights up but no longer determined by a computer !!!
Vis constantly on greeting

Posted 17-10-2011, 00:15:

and help ???

Rep: (8)
Pmp Maxmedia 2452. The very determined player PC and the music is copied to it, but he is full of glitches. The sensor is not activated from the first, and sometimes not regulated volume is not turned off. Are there any firmware fixes this for him? Off site this device is not found.

Rep: (0)
Hyundai H-F4010, after the firmware, only a white screen, the computer will recognize it as a USB flash drive. Do you have someone to standard firmware, or option to restore it? I will be very grateful.

Rep: (7)
But such a question voznik.Pleer Iriver T10 gather dust on the shelf exactly god.Segodnya remembered about him and decided vklyuchit.Pereproboval three Akuma and one batareyku.Reaktsiya nulevaya.Mozhet die player on flash-based memory if it is not used for a long time, HH include?

Rep: (9)
Player has Apacher AU822 1Gb White

Chip: CTW500N

one who enjoyed - from the grain you deleted all the files on the player ... DOWNLOAD MP3 Player Utilites 3.75, run the MP3 Player Upgrade Tool - Waiting for connection device and a second loaded the main window.

Attached Image

the player itself ceases to attempt to include a flashlight blue. firmware probyval
CTW500N_9.0.50-V1_070623 New panel.bin

I understand it was a mistake in the wrong firmware under aparata, can someone tell me what is right or where I made mistakes :)

UPD: drive is not from it, its owner can not find ... I will be grateful for any help :)

Post has been edited1SPY - 17.11.11, 03:11

Rep: (8)
help raise the player ritmix 4310 need firmware in bin format

Rep: (9)
Many thanks to all who have not tried to help, to see the player will continue to fall down :(
it's a pity :(

Rep: (0)
Help me find a chart on the Apacer Audio Steno AU350

Memory Hynix HY27UU088G5M

All Nat already clambered can not find help plizzz

Rep: (0)
Help advice
Player explay l10 on stmp 3500 was a worker then flew firmware
Defined as _generic msc recovery usb device

Sews player - determined, recorded and played back files (like USB stick) indicates the firmware version (different tried)
I take out with USB. Plug the power - does not work
is inserted into a computer - again _generic msc recovery usb device and its disks are no
000,000,000 firmware version

You can do that?

Rep: (17)
There is a player - Chinese IPOD like -

Labels on chips -
1. ATJ2237K
2. LGS
3. Hynix
BC 1014H

On my mother - CB-3718K1
Screen - LTH20036_01F

The patient was re-flash the incorrect firmware. 2 can be seen in a normal disk white screen ..
in UFD mode requires firewood.

Huge please help with stitching and wood ..

Post has been editedAbyssRus - 19.01.12, 10:09

Rep: (6)
1SPY @ 27.11.2011, 23:56*
Many thanks to all who have not tried to help, to see the player will continue to fall down
it's a pity

Rep: (0)
Brief factor for this player Digma Insomnia 1 (chip RockChip RKNANO)

If the player does not turn on (brick)

1. Download the firmware (not possible is found)
2. Download the complete sewing Fuzhou Rockchips Electronics RK Nano Upgrade Tool v.3.0.7 (on the X drayvers it is)
3. Put the switch on the lock (lock) and connect to the BS (BS starts driver installation)
4. take RkNanoUSB Driver (2K, XP, 2003) From the set of files, unpack and specify when you install this folder =>the system will "rockusb Device" (on 7ke went perfectly)
5. Then run the flasher and do everything on vidio that also have to set the archive!

remains one point this firmware! Help me find))))

the restoration of this player can readherein my topic
Firmware there also was found


still looking for firmware for the player (((when trying to Sew Sew the two found in the middle of the process is interrupted by mistake ... at precisely the moment when the firmware is loaded into The DVR

Post has been editedHanzo - 07.02.12, 12:07

Rep: (0)
hello !!! help pliz! player sony nwd b105f. SAMSUNG chip 728 K9LAGO8UOM-PCBO! I did everything according to instructions downloaded firmware there in line Write: podsoedenite device, I find writing closes the legs and connect the device again !! what to do ??? already tired to look !!!

Rep: (-1)
Help me find the firmware to 995 mts

Posted 19-02-2012, 7:44:

Help to find the PO at 995 mts

Post has been editedvan772008 - 19.02.12, 07:47

Rep: (346)
Pomogite.Est Chinese player, memory Samsung K9K8G08U0A, processor (controller) atj2051h, player name - Deso ms-508.Problema that when I insert the battery with the player starts to boot and at the same stage stops (the Starting inscription). Sometimes it turns on but after some time again turns off and begins again zagruzhatsya.Hochu-understand the problem in the firmware or in the stuffing?
van772008, it's kind of branch discuss the players, rather than smartphones.

Post has been editedneon1995 - 20.02.12, 17:58

Rep: (788)

And as it relates to the restoration of the topic?
With the help of a program can be done dump the firmware?

Rep: (0)
Hello! Help me with mp3 player safa q100 512 mb!
Computer does not see it, read you, and in other forums, write anywhere close contacts on the memory chip pinout found exactly what close contact and that's what happens
If the right to close and turn the cable, it does not turn on
If there was just lights up the screen, after zymykanie screen becomes cubes and writes on it from above system err, and the firmware version and memory capacity (although the memory 512, and writes 128)
If you wait a bit when the screen saver kicks firmware (1.32) and memory (512) and close the contacts, the screen does not change and only the inscription svehu system err again
Computer in any of the variants did not see and nothing happened!
Can you please tell me what to do?

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